Droplet manipulation and horizontal growth of high-quality self-catalysed GaAsP nanowires

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  • Yunyan Zhang
  • Ana M. Sanchez
  • Martin Aagesen
  • H. Aruni Fonseka
  • Suguo Huo
  • Huiyun Liu

Self-catalyzed horizontal nanowires (NWs) can greatly simplify the CMOS integration processing compared with the regular vertical counterparts. However, self-catalyzed growth mode poses challenges in manipulating the droplets to produce single-crystalline horizontal NWs with a uniform diameter. Here, we demonstrated a novel method to manipulate the droplet through altering the droplet surface energy. Ga-droplet was successfully moved from top to sidewalls in GaAsP NWs by introducing Be and lowering the surface energy, and pinned at the tip despite the absence of planar defects. This can switch the growth direction, with a successful rate of 100 %, from vertical to horizontal through the assistance of few sparse twins. The produced NWs tend to be bounded by low energy facets, which leads to the self-catalysed growth of horizontal NWs with a greatly improved diameter uniformity along the axis. Besides, the lowered surface energy can effectively suppress the wurtzite nucleation, producing pure zinc blende single-crystalline horizontal NWs. This study establishes an essential step toward the efficient integration of NWs into CMOS compatible devices. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

TidsskriftNano Today
Antal sider7
StatusUdgivet - okt. 2020

ID: 253194138