Hierarchy of many-body invariants and quantized magnetization in anomalous Floquet insulators

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  • Frederik Nathan
  • Dmitry A. Abanin
  • Netanel H. Lindner
  • Erez Berg
  • Mark S. Rudner

We uncover a new family of few-body topological phases in periodically driven fermionic systems in two dimensions. These phases, which we term correlation-induced anomalous Floquet insulators (CIAFIs), are characterized by quantized contributions to the bulk magnetization from multi-particle correlations, and are classified by a family of integer-valued topological invariants. The CIAFI phases do not require many-body localization, but arise in the generic situation of k-particle localization, where the system is localized (due to disorder) for any finite number of particles up to a maximum number, k. We moreover show that, when fully many-body localized, periodically driven systems of interacting fermions in two dimensions are characterized by a quantized magnetization in the bulk, thus confirming the quantization of magnetization of the anomalous Floquet insulator. We demonstrate our results with numerical simulations.

TidsskriftSciPost Physics
Udgave nummer6
Antal sider39
StatusUdgivet - 3 jun. 2021

Bibliografisk note

Publisher Copyright:
Copyright F. Nathan et al.

ID: 273589765