10. dec. 2024, kl. 16.15 Niels Bohr Lecture by Nergis Mavalvala, Dean of the MIT School of Science Gravitational waves: a new window to the Universe
27. nov. 2024, kl. 16.15 Niels Bohr Lecture by Stephanie Wehner, Delft University of Technology Programming and Executing Applications on a quantum internet
13. nov. 2024, kl. 16.15 Niels Bohr Lecture by Klaus Pontoppidan, Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. Title: The origins of habitable worlds and the case for infrared telescopes in space
30. okt. 2024, kl. 16.15 Niels Bohr Lecture by Andrea Young, University of California Topology, correlations, and “impossible” electronic devices in graphene heterostructures
15. okt. 2024, kl. 10.30 SPECIAL Niels Bohr Lecture by Howard Stone, Princeton University Soft materials, from biofluid mechanics to molecular biology
9. okt. 2024, kl. 16.15 Niels Bohr Lecture by Drummond Fielding, Cornell University Bridging the Divide: A Multi-Scale Approach to Galaxy Formation
12. juni 2024, kl. 16.15 Niels Bohr Lecture by Andreas Wallraff Since January 2012 Andreas Wallraff is a Full Professor for Solid State Physics in the Department o…
29. maj 2024, kl. 16.15 Niels Bohr Lecture by Vincenzo Vitelli Vincenzo Vitelli has been a Professor in the Physics Department and the James Franck Institute at…
15. maj 2024, kl. 16.15 Niels Bohr Lecture by Thomas Hertog Thomas Hertog is a theoretical cosmologist who was for many years a close collaborator of Stephen…
8. maj 2024, kl. 16.15 Niels Bohr Lecture by Erwin Frey Prof. Dr. Erwin Frey is the chair of theoretical physics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München,…