AWARD: 2017.11.16 Mogens Høgh Jensen appointed Knight of the Order of the Dannebrog Mogens Høgh Jensen was appointed Knight of the Order of the Dannebrog by HM Queen Margrethe on the…
Grant: 2017.08.23 ERC Starting Grant for Jacob Bourjaily Jacob Bourjaily, Assistant Professor of Physics at the Niels Bohr International Academy, has been…
ASTROMETRY OF THE FUTURE: 2017.07.04 At the age of 85-year old, Erik Høg is planning a satellite to be launched in 20 years Erik Høg, who celebrated his 85th birthday earlier this year, has just had his fourth major…
New head of department: 2017.06.27 Jan W. Thomsen appointed head of the Niels Bohr Institute Jan W. Thomsen comes from the post as Head of the Quantum Metrology Research Group at the Niels Boh…
SCIENCE Business Prize: 2017.05.24 Søren Stobbe awarded the 2017 SCIENCE Business Prize 38-year-old Associate Professor Søren Stobbe of the University of Copenhagen’s Niels Bohr Institute…
Prize: 2017.04.28 KU researcher with bad climate news won the Danish Research Result of the Year Gary Shaffer, Professor Emeritus at the Niels Bohr Institute, and Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen from DTU…
New basic research center: 2017.04.19 Huge grant to quantum research Danish National Research Foundation is willing to donate up to 62 million kroner to a new research…
New basic research center: 2017.04.19 New astronomy center will reveal the cosmic dawn Cosmic Dawn Center (DAWN) is a new basic research centre funded by the Danish National Research…
ERC grant: 2017.04.05 Large ERC grant for Kim Sneppen An advanced ERC grant for Kim Sneppen of DKK 16.500.000 was awarded for development of new methods…
Grants: 2017.03.20 The Villum Foundation invests 80 MDKK in the dark universe and climate change Niels Bohr Institute Professors Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Centre for Ice and Climate and Jens Hjorth, Dar…
The early Universe: 2025.03.27 James Webb discovers earliest sign of the Universe becoming transparent The first galaxies in the Universe were born enshrouded in a “foggy” gas, and could not be seen…
Formation of new planetary systems: 2025.03.12 “Super-Earth” in planetary system shedding new light on planetary evolution An international team led by researchers in Japan and Europe has discovered a new multi-planet…