Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje

Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje


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  1. 2018
  2. Published

    Production of deuterons, tritons, 3He nuclei, and their antinuclei in pp collisions at root s=0.9, 2.76, and 7 TeV

    Acharya, S., Adam, J., Adamova, D., Adolfsson, J., Aggarwal, MM., Rinella, G. A., Agnello, M., Ahammed, Z., Ahmad, N., Ahn, S. U., Aiola, S., Akindinov, A., Al-Turany, M., Alam, SN., Alba, J. L. B., Albuquerque, DSD., Aleksandrov, D., Alessandro, B., Alfaro Molina, R., Alici, A. & 15 others, Alkin, A., Bearden, Ian, Bourjau, C. A., Bilandzic, A., Chojnacki, M., Gaardhøje, Jens Jørgen, bsm989, bsm989, Pimentel, L. O. D. L., Thoresen, F., Nielsen, Børge Svane, Pacik, V., Zhou, You, Vislavicius, V., Gajdosova, K. & rtc312, rtc312, 21 Feb 2018, In: Physical Review C. 97, 2, 17 p., 024615.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  3. Published

    Systematic studies of correlations between different order flow harmonics in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV

    Acharya, S., Adams, J., Adamova, D., Adolfsson, J., Aggarwal, MM., Rinella, G. A., Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., Ahammed, Z., Ahmad, N., Aiola, S., Akindinov, A., Al-Turany, M., Alam, SN., Alba, J. L. B., Albuquerque, DSD., Aleksandrov, D., Alessandro, B., Molina, R. A., Alici, A. & 15 others, Alkin, A., Bearden, Ian, Pimentel, L. O. D. L., Bourjau, C. A., Bilandzic, A., Chojnacki, M., Gaardhøje, Jens Jørgen, Thoresen, F., Nielsen, Børge Svane, bsm989, bsm989, Pacik, V., Zhou, You, Vislavicius, V., Gajdosova, K. & rtc312, rtc312, 12 Feb 2018, In: Physical Review C. 97, 2, 23 p., 024906.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    The ALICE Transition Radiation Detector: Construction, operation, and performance

    Acharya, S., Adam, J., Adamova, D., Adler, C. J., Adolfsson, J., Aggarwal, MM., Rinella, G. A., Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., Ahammed, Z., Ahn, S. U., Aiola, S., Akindinov, A., Al-Turany, M., Alam, SN., Antonczyk, D., Arnedo, M. A., Alba, J. L. B., Albuquerque, DSD., Aleksandrov, D. & 14 others, Bearden, Ian, Bourjau, C. A., Chojnacki, M., Pimentel, L. O. D. L., Bilandzic, A., Gaardhøje, Jens Jørgen, Thoresen, F., Nielsen, Børge Svane, bsm989, bsm989, Pacik, V., Zhou, You, Vislavicius, V., Gajdosova, K. & rtc312, rtc312, 11 Feb 2018, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 881, p. 88-127 40 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  5. Published

    Constraining the magnitude of the Chiral Magnetic Effect with Event Shape Engineering in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV

    Acharya, S., Adam, J., Adamova, D., Adolfsson, J., Aggarwal, MM., Rinella, G. A., Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., Ahammed, Z., Ahmad, N., Ahn, S. U., Aiola, S., Al-Turany, M., Aleksandrov, D., Molina, R. A., Alessandro, B., Akindinov, A., Albuquerque, DSD., Alam, S., Alici, A. & 15 others, Alkin, A., Alme, J., Alt, T., Bearden, Ian, Bourjau, C. A., Bilandzic, A., Gaardhøje, Jens Jørgen, Gajdosova, K., Chojnacki, M., bsm989, bsm989, rtc312, rtc312, Nielsen, Børge Svane, Ozelin De Lima Pimentel, L., Thoresen, F. & Zhou, You, 10 Feb 2018, In: Physics Letters B. 777, p. 151-162 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  6. Published

    First measurement of jet mass in Pb-Pb and p-Pb collisions at the LHC

    Acharya, S., Adamova, D., Aggarwal, MM., Rinella, G. A., Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., Ahammed, Z., Ahmad, N., Ahn, S. U., Aiola, S., Akindinov, A., Alam, SN., Albuquerque, DSD., Aleksandrov, D., Alessandro, B., Molina, R. A., Alici, A., Bearden, I., Pimentel, L. O. D. L., Bourjau, C. A. & 11 others, Bilandzic, A., Chojnacki, M., Gaardhøje, Jens Jørgen, Thoresen, F., Nielsen, Børge Svane, bsm989, bsm989, Pacik, V., Zhou, You, Vislavicius, V., Gajdosova, K. & rtc312, rtc312, 10 Jan 2018, In: Physics Letters B. 776, p. 249-264 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  7. Published

    J/psi production as a function of charged-particle pseudorapidity density in p-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV

    Adamova, D., Aggarwal, MM., Rinella, G. A., Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., Ahammed, Z., Ahn, S. U., Aiola, S., Akindinov, A., Alam, SN., Albuquerque, DSD., Aleksandrov, D., Alessandro, B., Alexandre, D., Alfaro-Molina, R., Alkin, A., Alme, J., Alt, T., Altsybeev, I., Bearden, I. & 13 others, Pimentel, L. O. D. L., Bourjau, C. A., Bilandzic, A., Chojnacki, M., Gaardhøje, Jens Jørgen, Thoresen, F., Nielsen, Børge Svane, bsm989, bsm989, Pacik, V., Zhou, You, Vislavicius, V., Gajdosova, K. & rtc312, rtc312, 10 Jan 2018, In: Physics Letters B. 776, p. 91-104 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  8. Published

    Factorization of two-particle distributions in AMPT simulations of Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

    Bourjau, C., Alice Collaboration, A. C., Bearden, Ian, Zhou, You, Pacik, V., rtc312, rtc312, Ozelin De Lima Pimentel, L., Nielsen, Børge Svane, bsm989, bsm989, Gaardhøje, Jens Jørgen, Thoresen, F., Bilandzic, A., Gajdosova, K. & Chojnacki, M., 2018, In: Journal of Physics - Conference Series. 1070, 012027.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleResearchpeer-review

  9. Published

    Particle identification studies with a full-size 4-GEM prototype for the ALICE TPC upgrade

    Aggarwal, M. M., Ahammed, Z., Aiola, S., Alme, J., Alt, T., Amend, W., Andronic, A., Anguelov, V., Appelshäuser, H., Arslandok, M., Averbeck, R., Ball, M., Barnaföldi, G. G., Bartsch, E., Bellwied, R., Bencedi, G., Berger, M., Bialas, N., Bialas, P., Bianchi, L. & 76 others, Biswas, S., Boldizsár, L., Bratrud, L., Braun-Munzinger, P., Bregant, M., Britton, C. L., Brucken, E. J., Caines, H., Castro, A. J., Chattopadhyay, S., Christiansen, P., Clonts, L. G., Cormier, T. M., Dash, S., Deisting, A., Dittrich, S., Dubey, A. K., Ehlers, R., Erhardt, F., Ezell, N. B., Fabbietti, L., Frankenfeld, U., Gaardhøje, Jens Jørgen, Garabatos, C., Gasik, P., Gera, Á., Ghosh, P., Ghosh, S. K., Glässel, P., Grachov, O., Mittelstaedt, T., Morhardt, T., Munzer, R. H., Münning, K., Muhuri, S., Murakami, H., Nandi, B. K., Luz, H. N. D., Nattrass, C., Nayak, T. K., Oliveira, R. A. N. D., Nicassio, M., Nielsen, Børge Svane, Oláh, L., Oskarsson, A., Otwinowski, J., Oyama, K., Paić, G., Patra, R. N., Peskov, V., Pikna, M., Read, K. F., Renfordt, R., Richert, T., Røed, K., Röhrich, D., Rudzki, T., Sahoo, R., Sahoo, S., Sahu, P. K., Saini, J., Schaefer, B., Schambach, J., Scheid, S., Schulte, H., Singaraju, R. N., Sitar, B., Smirnov, N., Varma, R., Velure, A., Vislavicius, V., Vranic, D., Wiechula, J., Winkler, S., Wikne, J. & Windelband, B., 2018, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 903, p. 215-223 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  10. 2017
  11. Published

    Kaon femtoscopy in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV

    Acharya, S., Adam, J., Adamova, D., Adolfsson, J., Aggarwal, MM., Rinella, G. A., Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., Ahammed, Z., Ahmad, N., U. Ahn, S., Aiola, S., Akindinov, A., Alam, SN., Alba, J. L. B., Albuquerque, DSD., Bearden, I., Christensen, C. H., Gulbrandsen, K. H., Gaardhøje, J. J. & 9 others, Nielsen, Børge Svane, Bilandzic, A., Chojnacki, M., Zaccolo, V., Zhou, You, Bourjau, C. A., Pimentel, L. O. D. L., Gajdosova, K. & Pacik, V., 21 Dec 2017, In: Physical Review C. 96, 064613.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  12. Published

    J/psi Elliptic Flow in Pb-Pb Collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV

    Acharya, S., Adamova, D., Adolfsson, J., Aggarwal, MM., Rinella, G. A., Agnello, A., Agrawal, N., Ahammed, Z., U. Ahn, S., Aiola, S., Akindinov, A., Al-Turany, M., Alam, SN., Albuquerque, DSD., Aleksandrov, D., Alessandro, B., Molina, R., Ali, Y., Bearden, I., Christensen, C. H. & 11 others, bsm989, bsm989, Gaardhøje, Jens Jørgen, Nielsen, Børge Svane, Bilandzic, A., Chojnacki, M., Zaccolo, V., Zhou, You, Bourjau, C. A., Pimentel, L. O. D. L., Gajdosova, K. & Pacik, V., 15 Dec 2017, In: Physical Review Letters. 119, 24, 242301.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

ID: 13310