High Energy Heavy Ion Physics at the Niels Bohr Institute Experimental High Energy Physics at the Niels Bohr Institute - ATLAS at CERN The IceCube Neutrino Observatory Experimental High Energy Physics at the Niels Bohr Institute - ATLAS at CERN The IceCube Neutrino Observatory

Experimental Particle Physics

How was the universe created, which inflation scenario played out in the first split second, what happened during the quark-gluon plasma era? What is the source of the mass spectrum of fundamental particles of matter and forces? These are some of the questions particle physicists are looking for answers to.

The Particle Physicists work with the build up of matter in the early universe. They are searching for an explanation as to what the universe's smallest components were composed of in the first milliseconds after the Big Bang 14 billion years ago and what forces held them together.














Would you like to be a physicist for a day?

The researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute invite you to a one-day course for high school students in particle physics and astronomy.

We have 2 Master-Class events in 2023 - ALICE and IceCube:
















































National Instrument Center for CERN (NICE)
NICE is the National Instrument Center for CERN research. NICE supports Danish researchers in utilizing CERN's accelerator and detector infrastructure. Current activities include ALICE, ALPHA, ATLAS, CAST and ISOLDE. Read more

The Discovery center officially closed as the grant expired 31.12.2019.

Discovery Center
How was the universe created, which inflation scenario played out in the first split second, what happened during the quark-gluon plasma era? What is the source of the mass spectrum of fundamental particles of matter and forces? These are the questions we ask ourselves at the Discovery Center. Read more >>



































































Troels Christian PetersenTroels Christian Petersen, Associate Professor
Niels Bohr Building
Jagtvej 155A, 
2200 København N
Email: petersen@nbi.ku.dk
Phone: +45 26 28 37 39



Malene Emilie Maar VindingMalene Emilie Maar Vinding, Secretary
Niels Bohr Building
Jagtvej 155A
2200 København N.
Phone: +45 35 32 53 55
E-mail: malene.vinding@nbi.ku.dk 


















Name Title Phone E-mail
Search in Name Search in Title Search in Phone
Ahlers, Markus Tobias Associate Professor +4535328089 E-mail
Bearden, Ian Professor +4535337626 E-mail
Bøggild, Hans Associate Professor Emeritus +4535325286 E-mail
Camplani, Alessandra Assistant Professor +4535334733 E-mail
Christensen, Christian Holm Special Consultant +4524618591 E-mail
Dam, Mogens Associate Professor +4535325385 E-mail
Dufke, Laura Marie Visiting Student   E-mail
Engelhardt, John Richard Research Technician.   E-mail
Gaardhøje, Jens Jørgen Professor +4535325309 E-mail
Gulbrandsen, Kristjan Herlache Associate Professor +4535325351 E-mail
Hansen, John Renner Professor +4535332001 E-mail
Hansen, Jørgen Beck Associate Professor +4535325443 E-mail
Jacquart, Marc Franck Emile Visiting Student   E-mail
Jia, Shihai PhD Student   E-mail
Koskinen, D. Jason Associate Professor +4535326205 E-mail
McRoy, Oliver Laboratory Assistant   E-mail
Morancho Tarda, Arnau PhD Fellow +4535325744 E-mail
Murnane, Daniel Thomas Postdoc +4535336167 E-mail
Mødekjær, Mikkel Møller Visiting Student +4535333408 E-mail
Nathanson, Nina PhD Fellow   E-mail
Nielsen, Børge Svane Associate Professor Emeritus +4535325433 E-mail
Nielsen, Emil Gorm Dahlbæk Postdoc +4535335384 E-mail
Nikolaides, Johann Visiting Student +4535337297 E-mail
Pedersen, Norman Kløvedal Enrolled PhD Student   E-mail
Petersen, Troels Christian Associate Professor +4526283739 E-mail
Ruchayskiy, Oleg Associate Professor +4535333380 E-mail
Sarkar, Debojit Postdoc +4535328518 E-mail
Simeonov, Radoslav Rosenov Enrolled PhD Student   E-mail
Stuttard, Thomas Simon Research Assistant   E-mail
Timiryasov, Inar Postdoc +4535325403 E-mail
Urquía Calderón, Kevin Alberto PhD Fellow +4535325418 E-mail
Vinding, Malene Emilie Maar Research Secretary +4535325355 E-mail
Wiglesworth, Graig Assistant Professor +4535328023 E-mail
Wu, Wenya PhD Student   E-mail
Xella, Stefania Associate Professor +4535325329 E-mail
Yu, Zhi PhD Student   E-mail
Zhao, Mingrui PhD Student   E-mail
Zhou, You Associate Professor +4535331282 E-mail