Quantum Optics and Photonics at the Niels Bohr Institute Quantum Optics and Photonics at the Niels Bohr Institute Quantum Optics and Photonics at the Niels Bohr Institute Quantum Optics and Photonics at the Niels Bohr Institute Quantum Optics and Photonics at the Niels Bohr Institute Quantum Optics and Photonics at the Niels Bohr Institute Quantum Optics and Photonics at the Niels Bohr Institute Quantum Optics and Photonics at the Niels Bohr Institute

Quantum Optics and Photonics

The Quantum Optics section conducts experimental and theoretical research in Quantum Optics, in particular, in Quantum Information Processing, Quantum Sensors, and Quantum Technologies. 

We use photons, from optics to microwaves interacting with a wide variety of quantum matter, such as quantum dots, single atoms, atomic ensembles and mechanical oscillators.

The overarching theme is generation and manipulation of non-classical entangled states for quantum simulation, sensing and communication. The research directions span from fundamental research to device engineering.

The section consists of four experimental groups and a theory group.




























































We run experiments where quantum light is used to perform tasks in quantum sensing and quantum communication. Contact: Eugene S. Polzik (polzik@nbi.dk), Joerg Helge Muller (muller@nbi.dk)

We use ensembles of hot and ultracold atomic spins to generate single photon, squeezed and entangled states of matter and radiation, and use them for measurement of magnetic and electromagnetic fields with unprecedented precision.

Application include bio- and medical sensing.  Using photons and mechanical oscillators we aim at generation of non-classical states of motion of macroscopic objects to study the limits of quantum physics. We also combine mechanical and spin systems by quantum measurement with the goal to surpass standard quantum limits for measurement of motion.

Application of those methods towards enhanced sensitivity of gravitational wave detectors is investigated.


Quantum Metrology

Professor Jan W. Thomsen: The Quantum Metrology group is an experimental atomic physics group focusing on research within frequency references and atomic clocks.

Student in the Quantum Optic laboratory

The group has experiments with cold alkaline-earth metals such as strontium and molecular spectroscopy. The group also works with frequency combs based on microresonators, and ultra-stable optical reference cavities. Most of our work is based on cavities and the enhanced interaction of matter and electromagnetic fields described by many-atom cavity QED systems.


Quantum Photonics

Professor Peter Lodahl: The Quantum Photonics Group investigates the fundamental quantum interaction between light and matter in a solid-state platform.

Prof. Peter Lodahl

Our quest is to develop a deterministic photon-emitter interface based using quantum emitters and photonic nanostructures for real-world quantum technology applications within quantum communication, quantum simulations, and quantum computing. The group conducts fundamental and applied research and quantum engineering reaching all the way from fabrication and design of quantum photonics devices, through quantum optics experiments, to the theory of light-matter interaction and quantum-information protocols. The research has led to several quantum technology patents and spin-out companies.


Quantum Optomechanics

Professor Alber Schliesser: The Optomechanics  group experiments with mechanical systems deeply in the quantum regime. We engineer mechanical resonators with extremely low dissipation, and probe them with optical and microwave photons.

Quantum optical membrane

In this setting we push the quantum limits for measuring motion, investigate decoherence mechanisms, and implement control and conversion schemes with mechanical quantum states. We translate our findings to application in quantum technologies, such as novel quantum sensors for electromagnetic fields and forces, imaging modalities, and mechanical interfaces that can store and translate quantum information in hybrid quantum networks.


Theoretical Quantum Optics 

Professor Anders S. Sørensen: The Theoretical Quantum Optics group develops theories for how to control and exploit individual quantum systems, e.g. single atoms or photons. 

Theoretical Quantum Optics group

Most of the research is focused on developing methods to implement quantum information processing in practice, especially quantum communication. The group investigates how to achieve this in several different physical systems, ranging from single atoms and photons to solid state systems. The group has a close collaboration with the experimental groups in the section.













































Center for Hybrid Quantum Networks (Hy-Q)

The vision of the Center for Hybrid Quantum Networks (Hy-Q) funded by the Danish National Research Foundation is to exploit and implement novel approaches to interfacing different solid-state quantum photonic systems.

Hy-Q logo

A hybrid route to quantum networks is pursued in a “best of all worlds” approach where the advantages of the different platforms are utilized. Key research areas include deterministic emitter-photon and spin-photon interfaces for single-photon and multi-photon sources, long-lived mechanical membranes for quantum memories, and solid-state spin physics.

The long-term perspective of the research is to enable large scale processing of quantum information over global distances, also known as The Quantum Internet.


Center for Biomedical Quantum Sensing (CBQS)

The Center for Biomedical Quantum Sensing is focused on biomedical applications, establishing a new paradigm of quantum-enabled medicine, and the vision is to bring advances in quantum technologies into medical diagnostics and healthcare.

The mission is to develop novel quantum-enabled sensing techniques for early detection and cure of disease, and for unraveling complex molecular interactions and cellular mechanism and to nurture the next generation of quantum-ready workforce for bio- and medical industries.

Read more about CBQS here













The integrated quantum Clock project focuses on the next generation of atomic clocks based on continuous superradiant lasing in cold strontium atoms as well as the technological maturation of traditional optical atomic clocks.

The goal of the consortium is to implement a fully functional optical lattice clock with end-users and test it as timing reference in a telecommunications centre. While developing this prototype we are also preparing the first demonstration of continuous superradiance in an ensemble of ultra-cold atoms. An active atomic clock based on superradiant lasing promises higher performance at short times, and a significant reduction of some of the fundamental limitations in traditional passive clocks.


The Quantum Internet Alliance (QIA) (http://quantum-internet.team) is a joint European effort which is part of EU’s flagship initiative on quantum technologies. The long-term ambition is to build a Quantum Internet that enables quantum communication applications between any two points on Earth.

To achieve this ultimate goal, the team joins physicists, computer scientists and industrial partners in order to develop the necessary components of the quantum internet, from basic hardware to software stack and end user applications.














































































Dorte Christiane Garde Nielsen
Research Secretary
Niels Bohr Institute, Quantop
Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 København Ø
Phone: +45 35 33 01 80
Email: Dorte.Garde.nielsen@nbi.ku.dk 

Charlotte Hviid, Administrative coordinator
Niels Bohr Institute
Blegdamsvej 17
2100 København Ø.
Office: Bygning T, Ta2a
Email: hviid@nbi.ku.dk
Phone: +45 35 32 52 54

Anders Søndberg Sørensen, Professor
Head of section

Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 København Ø.
Bygning F & T, Building: 12-0-TA1A
Email: anders.sorensen@nbi.ku.dk 
Phone:+45  23 38 20 45 
Mobil:+45 35 32 52 40





















Name Title Job responsibilities
Search in Name Search in Title Search in Job responsibilities
Alba Pares, Joan PhD Fellow Billede af Alba Pares, Joan
Albrechtsen, Marcus Postdoc Billede af Albrechtsen, Marcus
Andersen, Nils Overgaard Emeritus Billede af Andersen, Nils Overgaard
Andrianopoulos, Nikolaos PhD Fellow Billede af Andrianopoulos, Nikolaos
Appel, Martin Hayhurst Assistant Professor Billede af Appel, Martin Hayhurst
Aspropotamiti, Evangelia PhD Fellow Billede af Aspropotamiti, Evangelia
Bakkensen, Bastian Enrolled PhD Student Billede af Bakkensen, Bastian
Balabas, Mikhail Vladlenovich Special Consultant Billede af Balabas, Mikhail Vladlenovich
Bohr, Eliot Enrolled PhD Student Billede af Bohr, Eliot
Brito Brasil, Tulio Assistant Professor Billede af Brito Brasil, Tulio
Béguin, Jean-Baptiste Sylvain Assistant Professor Billede af Béguin, Jean-Baptiste Sylvain
Campagna, Giulia Visiting Student Billede af Campagna, Giulia
Capelle, Thibault Adrien Research Assistant Billede af Capelle, Thibault Adrien
Chan, Ming Lai External Billede af Chan, Ming Lai
Chernobrovkin, Ilia PhD Fellow Billede af Chernobrovkin, Ilia
Corminboeuf, Etienne Fabien PhD Fellow Billede af Corminboeuf, Etienne Fabien
Debray, Maurice Olivier François Visiting Student Billede af Debray, Maurice Olivier François
Faurby, Carlos Fernando Duarte External Billede af Faurby, Carlos Fernando Duarte
Galinskiy, Ivan Research Consultant Billede af Galinskiy, Ivan
Goorney, Simon Richard PhD Student Billede af Goorney, Simon Richard
Grimaldi, Andrea Postdoc Marie Curie Billede af Grimaldi, Andrea
Hahne, Felix Caspar Research Assistant Billede af Hahne, Felix Caspar
Heiden, Jan Niclas External Billede af Heiden, Jan Niclas
Hellebek, Emil Rye PhD Fellow Billede af Hellebek, Emil Rye
Henke, Clara PhD Fellow Billede af Henke, Clara
Hilding-Nørkjær, Simon Student Adviser Billede af Hilding-Nørkjær, Simon
Hotter, Christoph Postdoc Billede af Hotter, Christoph
Hviid, Charlotte Special Consultant Billede af Hviid, Charlotte
Jia, Jun Postdoc Billede af Jia, Jun
Kaufmann, Noah Oliver PhD Fellow Billede af Kaufmann, Noah Oliver
Kollath-Bönig, Johann Sebastian Enrolled PhD Student Billede af Kollath-Bönig, Johann Sebastian
Konzett, Leopold PhD Fellow Billede af Konzett, Leopold
Korsgaard, Mathias Linde Holst PhD Fellow Billede af Korsgaard, Mathias Linde Holst
Krebs, Jonathan Herman Student Adviser Billede af Krebs, Jonathan Herman
Kristensen, Sofus Laguna Postdoc Billede af Kristensen, Sofus Laguna
Kronsbein, Tom Kenzo Visiting Student Billede af Kronsbein, Tom Kenzo
Kumar, Vishnu Postdoc Billede af Kumar, Vishnu
Langman, Eric Christopher Assistant Professor Billede af Langman, Eric Christopher
Larsen, Nikolaj Aagaard PhD Fellow Billede af Larsen, Nikolaj Aagaard
Linchakovskyy, Stanislav Research Assistant Billede af Linchakovskyy, Stanislav
Liu, Shikai Postdoc Billede af Liu, Shikai
Lodahl, Peter Professor Billede af Lodahl, Peter
Loredo Rosillo, Juan Carlos External Billede af Loredo Rosillo, Juan Carlos
Löbl, Matthias Christian Research Assistant Billede af Löbl, Matthias Christian
Malek Zadeh, Peyman Research Assistant Billede af Malek Zadeh, Peyman
Mashaal, Aida PhD Fellow Billede af Mashaal, Aida
Meng, Chao Postdoc Billede af Meng, Chao
Meng, Yu Postdoc Billede af Meng, Yu
Midolo, Leonardo Associate Professor Billede af Midolo, Leonardo
Mikkelsen, Mikkel Thorbjørn PhD Fellow Billede af Mikkelsen, Mikkel Thorbjørn
Mirsal, William Kristian Krarup Student Adviser Billede af Mirsal, William Kristian Krarup
Mølmer, Klaus Professor Billede af Mølmer, Klaus
Müller, Jörg Helge Associate Professor Billede af Müller, Jörg Helge
Nielsen, Dorte Christiane Garde Research Secretary Billede af Nielsen, Dorte Christiane Garde
Nielsen, Kasper Hede PhD Fellow Billede af Nielsen, Kasper Hede
Novikov, Valerii Postdoc Billede af Novikov, Valerii
Ortu, Antonio Research Consultant Billede af Ortu, Antonio
Paesani, Stefano Associate Professor Billede af Paesani, Stefano
Pettersson, Love Alexander Mandla PhD Fellow Billede af Pettersson, Love Alexander Mandla
Pfau, Teresa Klara PhD Fellow Billede af Pfau, Teresa Klara
Pinske, Julien Postdoc Billede af Pinske, Julien
Pio, Ludvig Andreas Student Billede af Pio, Ludvig Andreas
Pitts, Michael James Postdoc Billede af Pitts, Michael James
Polzik, Eugene Simon Professor Billede af Polzik, Eugene Simon
Qvotrup, Clara Celeste Enrolled PhD Student Billede af Qvotrup, Clara Celeste
Ranfagni, Andrea Postdoc Billede af Ranfagni, Andrea
Røhling, Tobias Thornsen Student Adviser Billede af Røhling, Tobias Thornsen
Salamon, Hanna Krystyna PhD Fellow Billede af Salamon, Hanna Krystyna
Sandberg, Oliver August Dall'Alba External Billede af Sandberg, Oliver August Dall'Alba
Schliesser, Albert Professor Billede af Schliesser, Albert
Shadmani, Atefeh Postdoc Billede af Shadmani, Atefeh
Sherson, Jacob Friis Professor Billede af Sherson, Jacob Friis
Stærkind, Hans Postdoc Billede af Stærkind, Hans
Sárközi, Bálint PhD Fellow Billede af Sárközi, Bálint
Sørensen, Anders Søndberg Professor Billede af Sørensen, Anders Søndberg
Tamaki, Sho Postdoc Billede af Tamaki, Sho
Thekkeppatt, Premjith Postdoc Billede af Thekkeppatt, Premjith
Tissot, Benedikt Quirinius Postdoc Billede af Tissot, Benedikt Quirinius
Uldall, Frederik Special Consultant Billede af Uldall, Frederik
Van Diepen, Cornelis Jacobus Postdoc Billede af Van Diepen, Cornelis Jacobus
Wang, Ying Postdoc Billede af Wang, Ying
Xi, Xiang Assistant Professor Billede af Xi, Xiang
Zeuthen, Emil Associate Professor Billede af Zeuthen, Emil
Zoumis, Alkiviadis PhD Fellow Billede af Zoumis, Alkiviadis
van Heijst, Erik Antonius Petrus PhD Student Billede af van Heijst, Erik Antonius Petrus