Particle physics: 2024.11.05 First peek at nuclear shape transitions Based on an experiment at CERN, a collaboration led by the Niels Bohr Institute, University of…
Theoretical Particle Physics: 2022.04.25 New and surprising duality found in theoretical particle physics A new and surprising duality has been discovered in theoretical particle physics. The duality exist…
EVOLUTION 2021.05.21 Study reveals new details on what happened in the first microsecond of Big Bang Researchers from University of Copenhagen have investigated what happened to a specific kind of…
Particle Physics: 2021.04.26 New physics at stake? Deviation from the standard model of physics confirmed An ultraprecise measurement of spinning muons, heavier cousins of electrons, in magnetic fields has…
NEUTRINO RESEARCH: 2021.03.10 IceCube confirms a 60-year-old prediction from Niels Bohr Institute Scientists from Niels Bohr Institute are part of an international collaboration observing resonant…
Grant: 2021.01.25 Irene Tamborra receives grant to investigate the unknowns of neutron star mergers The title is a little unusual for a scientific project: “Neutron stars - rattling, shining and…
Online workshop: 2020.06.02 Deep Learning online Workshop at the Niels Bohr Institute: Great Learning Following the latest developments of the COVID 19 pandemic, the planned Workshop on Perspectives an…
Grant: 2020.01.23 Three young scientists from the Niels Bohr Institute receive Villum Young Investigator grants Three young scientists, Mauricio Bustamante, Amin Doostmohammadi and Johan Samsing get to boost…
Award: 2020.01.15 Eugene S. Polzik Named Recipient of the 2020 Herbert Walther Award The Optical Society (OSA) and the Deutsche Physikalische Gesell¬schaft (DPG) have named OSA Fellow…
Astrophysics: 2019.10.23 The final piece in the puzzle of the origin of the elements For the first time, an element heavier than iron has been clearly detected in the collision of two…
Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation: 2019.07.22 Probing the beginning of the Universe can soon be done more accurately As many as 200 telescopes will be erected, in order to achieve the highest possible precision in…
Neutrino Research: 2019.07.11 A New Upgrade for the IceCube Detector The IceCube Neutrino Observatory in Antarctica is about to get a significant upgrade. The purpose o…
Grant 2019.01.24 Four young scientists at the Niels Bohr Institute receive Villum Young Investigator grants Four young scientists, Matthias Wilhelm, Christa Gall, Michele Burrello and You Zhou recieves…
Grant: 2018.11.08 DKK 22 million project intensifies the hunt for the fundamental building blocks of the Universe at CERN Research Infrastructure will upgrade the University of Copenhagen’s particle detectors and data…
Astrophysics: 2018.07.03 Milky Way type dust particles discovered in a galaxy 11 billion light years from Earth An international research team, with participation from the Niels Bohr Institute, has found the sam…
New computer model: 2018.05.29 Here is what it looks like, when a massive black hole devours a star Jane Lixin Dai and Professor Enrico Ramirez from DARK Cosmology Centre at the Niels Bohr Institute…
GRANT: 2018.04.25 The Carlsberg foundation supports the search for hidden particles with a grant of 4.4 million DKK Oleg Ruchayskiy, lector in the research group Experimental Subatomic Physics at the Niels Bohr…
Neutrino research: 2017.11.23 From deep under the Antartica-surface: IceCube has collected new knowledge about high-energy neutrino physics High-energy neutrinos ‘caught’ in Antarctica Scientists from NBI were part of an international team…
Tyngdebølger: 2017.10.17 Neutronstjerners sammenstød rystede universet For første gang er det lykkedes at opfange tyngdebølger såvel som lys fra to kolliderende…
Ny æra i astronomien: 2017.10.16 Astronomerne har fået en ekstra sans Nu er det for første gang lykkedes at detektere tyngdebølger såvel som elektromagnetiske stråling…
EU appointment: 2016.11.14 Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje member of EU science committee Professor Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, Center for Particel Physics at the Niels Bohr Institute has been…
Cosmology: 2016.09.21 First step in the Deep Space mission Deep Space is a project that will use a new specially designed telescope to look far into space in…
Physicist, researcher and lecturer: 2016.08.23 Scientist Holger Bech Nielsen turns 75 Denmark’s most famous and beloved physicist Holger Bech Nielsen turns 75 on the 25th of August.…
Ghost particles: 2016.08.08 The long hunted sterile neutrino cannot be traced Some of the most abundant particles in the universe are the so-called ghost particles, neutrinos,…
Appointment 2016.04.01 Danish professor new vice-president of the CERN Council Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, a professor of particle physics and head of the Subatomic research group at…
CERN 2016.02.09 The universe’s primordial soup flowing at CERN Researchers have recreated the universe’s primordial soup in miniature format by colliding lead…
CERN 2015.11.25 CERN collides heavy nuclei at new record high energy The world’s most powerful accelerator, the 27 km long Large Hadron Collider (LHC) operating at CERN…
LHC accelerator 2015.06.03 CERN restarts particle collisions at record high energy The 27 km long underground particle accelerator, the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) at CERN is once…
Messengers from the universe - 2015.04.16 Detector at the South Pole explores the mysterious neutrinos The Earth is constantly bombarded by billions of neutrinos, which zip right through the entire…
LHC restarts 2015.03.12 CERN starting the LHC accelerator up again to solve new mysteries The 27 km long subterranean particle accelerator, the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) at CERN is ready…
CERN: 2014.11.04 Italian physicist Fabiola Gianotti is next CERN Director-General At its 173rd Closed Session today, CERN Council selected the Italian physicist, Dr Fabiola Gianotti…
Celebration: 2014.09.29 CERN turns 60 and celebrates peaceful collaboration for science Founded in 1954, CERN is today the largest particle physics laboratory in the world and a prime…
2013.10.18 Niels Bohr Institute part of the research project IceCube at the South Pole The Niels Bohr Institute is now officially admitted as a full member of the IceCube collaboration.…
2013.10.09 Nobel Prize for the Higgs mechanism François Englert and Peter W. Higgs have been awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize in physics “for the…