NBI Master Student Symposium

Welcome to the 1st annual master student symposium in Physics at the Niels Bohr Institute. This is a new initiative to celebrate and show all the great work done by the master students across the many research fields at the Niels Bohr Institute.
The NBI student symposium provides a forum where students, especially master thesis students, can present their projects and discuss ideas with researchers and peers from NBI. All students at NBI are welcome to attend this exciting and inspiring event.
Registration deadline is Sunday 20 March 2022.
Registration is free, but required in order to plan refreshments.
See the programme and register here LINK: https://indico.nbi.ku.dk/e/nbimss2022
Conveners: Christine S. Hvidberg and Jørgen Beck Hansen
Organizing committee: Christine S. Hvidberg, Jørgen Beck Hansen, Freja Amalie Nørby, Jonathan Melchior, Jeppe Cederholm og Stine West.