PICE Talk by Rasmus Anker Pedersen

Title: The Danish Climate Atlas and the science behind it

Abstract: The Danish Climate Atlas is a climate service developed at the National Centre for Climate Research at DMI. It combines climate model projections and observations to actionable information on the future climate in Denmark. This talk will briefly present the tool, but mainly be a look ‘under the hood’ and the science behind the climate service.

Speaker: Rasmus Anker Pedersen, DMI

CV pointers:
- ph.d. from NBI/PICE and DMI 2016: Modelling of past and future warm climates, with special focus on the Eemian
- postdoc NBI/PICE 2016-2018: Modelling -  ice sheets and sea ice under the project “ice2ice”
- researcher at DMI: modelling of the Danish Climate and scientific coordinator of the Danish Climate Atlas
- head of unit at DMI/National Centre for Climate Research, since 2020: Currently leading a team of 30 researchers, phd’s and a few advisors.