Research in Physics of Ice, Climate and Earth at the Niels Bohr Institute. Weather and Climate Research in Physics of Ice, Climate and Earth at the Niels Bohr Institute. Weather and Climate Research in Physics of Ice, Climate and Earth at the Niels Bohr Institute. Weather and Climate Research in Physics of Ice, Climate and Earth at the Niels Bohr Institute. Weather and Climate

Weather and Climate

The atmosphere is a fascinating, dynamic system, which affects and reacts on effects from oceans, the icecaps and glaciers on our planet – it even affects the length of the day. Our main interest in the meteorology group is to understand and develop models of the fundamental physical processes in the atmosphere, these being the key to numerical weather predictions (NWP), climate, air quality and pollution.

Meteorology is an expansive scientific field, which draws on a series of physical disciplines, from geophysical fluid dynamics, thermodynamics and turbulence to optical emission to space. Our observations of the atmosphere are on the technological forefront, due to a strong scientific and technological development in recent years.


The Scientific field

Meteorology is an expansive scientific field, which draws on a series of physical disciplines, from geophysical fluid dynamics, thermodynamics and turbulence to optical emission to space. Our observations of the atmosphere are on the technological forefront, due to a strong scientific and technological development in recent years.

Of particular interest to our research is:

Numerical Methods

We are continuously developing numerical methods and new algorithms, in order to help improve the accuracy and computational efficiency of Numerical Weather Prediction and the climate- and air pollution models.

Climate Models

Simulation of large scale atmospheric dynamics in climate models. The main focus here is to understand why many climate models have problems simulating so called blockings in the atmosphere, which leads to too little simulated variability in coupled atmosphere – ocean climate models.

The Output of Climate Models

Analysis of the output of the climate models, in order to chart and understand both natural and man made climate changes. Besides that, we are applying observations, based on satellite measurements, to be able to validate the physics at the root of the climatic development we detect in the climate models.

The WRF model

Simulations with the so called WRF model for use in wind energy studies. This project is carried out in collaboration with the research group in wind energy at the Danish Technical University. Other projects, where students use WRF for numerical investigation of atmospheric phenomena, are an option too.

Master´s thesis- and bachelor students

Our work is based on theory and numerical simulations of the circulation of the atmosphere and weather. The physics of the climate system in combination with the oceans is also part of our research. If you enjoy physics and mathematics as we do, we would very much like to talk to you, so we can identify an atmosphere/weather or climate physics project. You are also more than welcome to talk to one of the climate- and geophysics students, whom you can find under the heading Groupmembers.

You can find presentations of different, potential Bachelor´s and Master´s thesis projects in Meteorology here.
























Name Title Phone E-mail
Search in Name Search in Title Search in Phone
Bach, Jeppe Brøndum Laboratory Assistant E-mail
Baklanov, Alexander Professor +4553826357 E-mail
Bekkevold, Ivanka M Orozova External +4535324213 E-mail
Boeckmann, Grant Vernon Engineer +4535330857 E-mail
Brauns, Jade Omotoyosi Nina Research Assistant +4535323841 E-mail
Chapman, Ruth Rhiannon Postdoc +4535336496 E-mail
Cherblanc, Clément Emmanuel Fabien Enrolled PhD Student E-mail
Christensen, Jens Hesselbjerg Professor +4535335658 E-mail
Cook, Eliza Assistant Professor +4535334426 E-mail
Eckert, Majbritt Kristin PhD Fellow E-mail
Frey, Svenja Student FU E-mail
Greibe, Maria Friis Student FU E-mail
Hansen, Steffen Bo Research Technician. +4535320614 E-mail
Hansen, Aksel Walløe Associate Professor Emeritus +4535320567 E-mail
Iazzetta, Davide PhD Student E-mail
Kaas, Eigil Professor +4535320514 E-mail
Lauritzen, Mikkel Langgaard Postdoc +4535324620 E-mail
Lindsey-Clark, Josephine Yolanda PhD Fellow E-mail
Melcher, Jonathan Ortved Enrolled PhD Student E-mail
Mrozowska, Marta Agnieszka Postdoc +4535323548 E-mail
Nielsen, Robin Vinther Postdoc +4535333832 E-mail
Röntgen, Leonie PhD Fellow +4535333624 E-mail
Sahyoun, Maher Postdoc +4535337206 E-mail
Shaffer, Gary Emeritus E-mail
Stoustrup, Aster Lei IT Officer, FU E-mail
Svensmark, Jacob Postdoc +4535337207 E-mail
Sánchez Moreno, Miguel Angel Enrolled PhD Student +4535324791 E-mail
Thormann, Asger Student FU E-mail
Van der Laan, Larissa Nora Postdoc +4535333530 E-mail
Vang, Andrea PhD Fellow +4535332449 E-mail
Vettoretti, Guido External +4535323433 E-mail
rwz700, rwz700 External Researcher +4535326848 E-mail
Øelund, Johanne Kristine Haandbæk PhD Student +4535329293 E-mail


Using pressure measurements from smartphones

This PhD project is about aggregating and using crowdsourced data for use in numerical weather predictions. Good examples of such data could be private weather stations, wind measurements from handheld units and pressure observations from modern smartphones. This PhD project has a primary focus on the latter.

Modern smartphones come with a built-in barometric sensor, which can detect even minor pressure changes. The sensor is primarily used to identify altitude changes for the user of the mobile device, related to, for example, a run or a bike trip. The data from such a sensor is more accurate than the GPS system and uses significantly less power. This is possible as the pressure decreases with increasing altitude.

The pressure is an essential parameter for calculations related to the weather, and this is the reason why this PhD project attempts to exploit the usefulness of such data. For validation and correction, different types of statistical analysis are applied.

The data is collected from real users through an app for smartphones (iOS and Android). The data is stored on a secure server and is used in this project only. It is not handed on to other parties. The data is anonymous in the sense that no email, name, address or similar related to the pressure observations are known.


Name Titel
Gustav Stolberg-Larsen   MSc. Student
Julia González San Juan MSc. Student
Rune Magnus Koktvedgaard Zeitzen MSc. Student
Tobias Nørkjær Holmgaard MSc. Student
Weiji Hu MSc. Student