Arctic exhibition at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

ARCTIC - a fascinating meeting between art and science at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art.
ARCTIC - Louisiana Museum of Modern Art - Sept. 2013 - February 2 2014
...Snow and ice, darkness and northern lights, beauty, silence, strife and storm. Louisiana heads straight north to a region of magnetic lure. In themes ranging from the sublime to conquest and myth, this spectacular Arctic quest takes you through real-life dramas, harsh conditions and impossible dreams – a journey into the imagination, art, science and breathtaking imagery...
Meet Centre for Ice and Climate at Louisiana

A little piece of a greenlandic ice core but a long story of human life. Jørgen Peder Steffensen, ice core curator and ass. professor, will take you on a fascinating trip to the Arctic on November 12, 2013 at Louisiana Museum.
Centre for Ice and Climate has delivered knowledge, voice and a little piece of a greenlandic ice core to the big exhibition of Arctic at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art.
On November 12 at hrs. 20, 2013 Jørgen Peder Steffensen, associate professor and ice core curator at Centre for Ice and climate will share his impressions and experiences from many years of field work at the greenlandic icecap and the fascination of reading the story of man out of an ice core.