News on Geophysics 2015

Very high silicon content surprises Mars researchers

17 December 2015

Very high silicon content surprises Mars researchers New results from the Mars rover Curosity show that some rocks in Gale Crater have a high content of the element silicon. Since the accumulation of silica typically require a combination of both heat and water, this place might once

The past shows how abrupt climate shifts affect Earth

9 November 2015

The past shows how abrupt climate shifts affect EarthNew research shows how past abrupt climatic changes in the North Atlantic propagated globally. The study, led by researchers from The Niels Bohr Institute, shows how interaction between heat transport in the ocean and the...

The Greenland ice sheet contains nutrients from precipitation

4 November 2015

The Greenland ice sheet contains nutrients from precipitationNew research shows that the ice sheet on Greenland contains the nutrient phosphorus, which was carried by the atmosphere across the country, where it fell with precipitation. This new knowledge is important for...

Volcanic eruptions are important for world climate

8 July 2015

Volcanic eruptions are important for world climate Large volcanic eruptions release huge clouds of ash and acid into the atmosphere. These clouds spread across the globe and block out the Sun, resulting in a colder climate for decades afterwards. Climate researchers have known

Risk of major sea level rise in Northern Europe

18 June 2015

Risk of major sea level rise in Northern EuropeGlobal warming leads to the ice sheets on land melting and flowing into the sea, which consequently rises. New calculations by researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute show that the sea level in Northern Europe may rise more than

New Greenland ice core drilled through the Renland ice cap

17 June 2015

New Greenland ice core drilled through the Renland ice capAn international research team led by the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen have drilled an ice core through the ice cap on the Renland peninsula in the Scoresbysund fjord in Eastern Greenland in record time.

Research station moved nearly 500 km across the Greenland ice sheet

28 May 2015

Research station moved nearly 500 km across the Greenland ice sheet The entire research station NEEM has been moved 465 km across the Greenland ice sheet on skis to the new camp EGRIP, where there will be a future international drilling camp and a gateway to research programmes in East

Congratulations to Alexandra Messerli

7 May 2015

Congratulations to Alexandra Messerli who succesfully defended her PhD thesis at Centre for Ice and Climate on May 06, 2015 and obtained the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Beginning of the field season 2015

21 April 2015


From end April 2015 you can follow two exciting field campaigns in Greenland - EGRIP and RECAP

Mars has belts of glaciers consisting of frozen water

7 April 2015

Mars has belts of glaciers consisting of frozen water Mars has distinct polar ice caps, but Mars also has belts of glaciers at its central latitudes in both the southern and northern hemispheres. A thick layer of dust covers the glaciers, so they appear as surface of the ground, but radar