19 February 2025



CLUVEX 2nd VTW for students

Climate University for Virtual Exchanges (CLUVEX) is an international multidisciplinary online course. CLUVEX introduces and discusses the latest scientific knowledge on climate change from multidisciplinary perspectives: natural sciences, social sciences and the arts.

The virtual exchange is a great opportunity to experiment interacting in an international environment - especially if you have considered applying for a traditional student exchange. Participating in the VE Week does not require an advanced knowledge base in natural sciences. More important is to be interested in climate change-related issues and workshopping in an international team. The VE Week is open to students of all fields coming from EU and EU Neighbourhood countries.

During the virtual exchange, you will work in small international groups of like-minded students ( 10 students + 1 moderator). A central part of the exchange is a Climate Horizon exercise, framed by interdisciplinary and intercultural discussions on climate change. You will work on the exercise individually and in your groups. CLUVEX welcomes students from learning institutions in the EU and EU Neighborhood countries.

WHEN: 12—16 May 2025, from 14:00 to 17:00 (EET, Helsinki time)
PLACE: Online in Zoom
COMPLETION METHOD: online participation on each day (3h per day) and a final report.
AWARD: 1 ECTS credit issued by the University of Helsinki & Climate Messenger Certificate issued by the CLUVEX project.

Register here: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/133870/lomake.html

VE WEEK: course code ATM398 at the University of Helsinki
WHO CAN APPLY: BSc, MSc, PhD, PostDoc students
MAX CAPACITY: 500 students
COST: no fee

MORE INFORMATION: https://www.atm.helsinki.fi/cluvex/

Click here for the Programme of the Virtual exchange week

Contact information:

University of Helsinki, Finland
Univeristy of Copenhagen, Denmark
Odessa Natioinal University, Ukraine
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
Yerevan State University, Armenia

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