Response timescales for martian ice masses and implications for ice flow on Mars

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  • Michelle Rebecca Koutnik
  • E.D. Waddington
  • D.P. Winebrener
  • A.S. Pathare
On Earth and on Mars, ice masses experience changes in precipitation, temperature, and radiation. In a new climate state, flowing ice masses will adjust in length and in thickness, and this response toward a new steady state has a characteristic timescale. However, a flowing ice mass has a predictable shape, which is a function of ice temperature, ice rheology, and surface mass-exchange rate. In addition, the time for surface-shape adjustment is shorter than the characteristic time for significant deformation or displacement of internal layers within a flowing ice mass; as a result, surface topography is more diagnostic of flow than are internal-layer shapes. Because the shape of Gemina Lingula, North Polar Layered Deposits indicates that it flowed at some time in the past, we use its current topography to infer characteristics of those past ice conditions, or past climate conditions, in which ice-flow rates were more significant than today. A plausible range of near-basal ice temperatures and ice-flow enhancement factors can generate the characteristic geometry of an ice mass that has been shaped by flow over reasonable volume-response timescales. All plausible ice-flow scenarios require conditions that are different from present-day Mars, if the basal layers are pure ice.
Original languageEnglish
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)949-959
Publication statusPublished - 17 Oct 2013

ID: 43557255