Ocean group


The physical oceanographers at Team Ocean use computer models of the ocean circulation. The work is based in theories and numerical simulations of ocean circulation. If you have a strong background in physics and mathematics we would very much like to talk to you, and together we can find an ocean-physics based project to work on. We use ultra-high resolution models of the global ocean circulation to understand the driving forces behind major ocean currents, and their variability. Thesis topics are taylored to match students' interest and Team Ocean's current focus, but they will all involve High Performance Computing and Big Data.
More information can be found on the Team Ocean website.

Contact: Professor Markus Jochum

You are also welcome to talk to any of the oceanography students.

Marine Biology and Carbon Cycle

With the help of global earth system models we attempt to understand how marine biogeochemistry and ocean turbulence interact, and to what extent this interaction explains the Pleistocene variations in atmospheric CO2.

Contact: Professor Markus Jochum

Rogue Waves

With the help of deep learning algorithms we combine several decades of wave height data from Danish offshore platforms with meteorological data to predict the likelihood of Rogue Wave events in the North Sea.

Contact: Professor Markus Jochum

Ocean Turbulence

Together with colleagues from Gothenburg, Norwich and Warnemuende we measure ocean turbulence in the sidewall and bottom boundary layers off the island of Bornö. We then develop new turbulence closure schemes to improve climate models.