Niels Bohr Lectures 2013

Niels Bohr Lectures og Niels Bohr Kollokvier er engelsksprogede foredragsrækker med nogle af verdens førende forskere inden for deres felt.

Niels Bohr Lecture and NBIA Colloquium by Julia Collins

6. december 2013 kl. 11.15 (NOTE UNUSUAL DAY AND TIME!)

Niels Bohr Lecture and NBIA Colloquium by Julia CollinsA Knot's Tale: Three great men, two smoking boxes, one brilliant wrong idea...
Julia studied mathematics at the University of Bath. In May 2011 I completed my PhD at the University of Edinburgh.

Niels Bohr Lecture by Dr. Peter Jenni

13. november 2013 kl. 16:00

Niels Bohr Lecture by Dr. Peter JenniTitle: The long journey to the Higgs boson and beyond at the LHC
Former ATLAS Collaboration Spokesperson, has become a Guest Scientist with the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany, keeping his full engagement with the ATLAS experiment.

Niels Bohr Lecture by Prof. Achim Rosch

23. oktober 2013 kl. 15:15

Niels Bohr Lecture by Prof. Achim RoschTitle: Magnetic whirls in chiral magnets: skyrmions and monopoles
Prof. Achim Rosch, Institut fuer Theoretische Physik, Universitaet zu Koeln

Niels Bohr Lecture by Professor Priyamvada Natarajan

25. september 2013 kl. 15:15

Niels Bohr Lecture by Professor Priyamvada NatarajanTitle: From seeds to behemoths: tracking the formation of supermassive black holes in the universe
Priyamvada Natarajan, Professor in the Departments of Astronomy and Physics at Yale University.

Niels Bohr Lecture by Prof. Subir Sarkar

4. september 2013 kl. 15:15

Niels Bohr Lecture by Prof. Subir SarkarTitle: Connecting inner space & outer space
Prof. Subir Sarkar is working at the Niels Bohr International Academy at NBI, and the University of Oxford.

Niels Bohr Lecture by Prof. Jeff Kimble

12. juni 2013 kl. 15:15

Niels Bohr Lecture by Prof. Jeff KimbleTitle: Quantum Networks
Kimble became a professor of physics at Caltech in 1989. He was named Valentine Professor in 1997 and director of the Institute for Quantum Information and Matter at Caltech in 2011. 

Niels Bohr Lecture by Prof. Victor Yakovenko

29. maj 2013 kl. 15:15

Niels Bohr Lecture by Prof. Victor YakovenkoTitle: Statistical Mechanics of Money, Income, Debt, and Energy Consumption.
Victor Yakovenko became a faculty member at the University of Maryland i 1993, where he is a full professor now.