Research in Condensed Matter Physics at the Niels Bohr Institute Center for Quantum Devices at the Niels Bohr Instute, development of the quantum computer Research in Condensed Matter Physics at the Niels Bohr Institute Center for Quantum Devices at the Niels Bohr Instute, development of the quantum computer Research in Condensed Matter Physics at the Niels Bohr Institute Research in Condensed Matter Physics at the Niels Bohr Institute Research in Condensed Matter Physics at the Niels Bohr Institute

Condensed Matter Physics

Condensed matter physics is concerned with the understanding of the physical properties of solids and liquids, both naturally occurring and artificially produced.

The understanding of the macroscopic properties, for example, magnetism and electrical resistance, is based on a statistical description of an astronomically large number of atoms. Given the periodic table and the well-understood quantum mechanical description of the individual atoms, the number of combinations is infinite, which leaves plenty of room for discovering new fascinating phenomena.

Condensed matter physics is the foundation for many every-day technologies, ranging from hardening of steel to integrated microchips. Modern research in condensed matter physics takes place in both large scale x-ray and neutron scattering facilities, as well as in locally based laboratories, where quantum phenomena are being explored at temperatures near absolute zero. There is a vivid exchange between condensed matter and neighboring research areas, including biophysics, nanoscience, chemistry, optics, and quantum information.













































































X-ray and Neutron Science

The X-ray and Neutron Science is a section with about 40 researchers, working closely to other sections at the Niels Bohr Institute, other institutes at the University of Copenhagen, X-ray and neutron facilities around the world, and a number of other international partners.

Experiment with soft materials

Our research is centered around the use of large-scale experimental facilities using X-rays and neutrons, including the new X-ray source MAX-IV and the coming neutron source ESS, located in Lund (S), but also home-lab facilities. With these sources, we study a wide range of hard, soft, and biological materials.

Our cross-disciplinary activities ranges from structural biophysics - where we study the structure of proteins under biological relevant conditions; biologically bound water in living cells and proteins; soft matter, such as lipid artificial cell membranes and complex polymer structure and dynamics –  to the understanding of  the complex quantum nature of materials, in particular magnets and superconductors.

More about X-ray and neutron science >>

Condensed Matter Theory

Research in condensed matter systems addresses fundamental questions about the effective degrees of freedom in a quantum many-body system. These emergent quantum states, which are results of very complicated interacting systems, allow an often surprisingly simple description and understanding.

Calculations at the blackboard

We study quantum behavior of nanostructures and their applications in quantum transport devices, quantum information systems, as well as fundamental questions related to the properties of materials, such as exotic superconductors.

Our theoretical work is most often times driven by experimental findings and by attempts to predict new interesting phenomena. In particular, many of the group activities are done as part of the Center for Quantum Devices and in collaboration with other members of the Nano-ScienceCenter.

More about Condensed Matter Theory >>

Structural Food Physics and Soft Matter Self-Assembly

This group is affiliated with the Department of Food Science and the Niels Bohr Institute and is led by Associate Professor Jacob Kirkensgaard.

In general the research of the group is centered around mesoscale self-assembly and particularly the formation of geometrically and topologically complex structures in soft matter systems, both synthetic systems like block copolymers and amphiphilic molecules and from various food- and biological systems, for example photosynthetic membranes, milk/fat-based systems, oleogels and biomacromolecules like starch.

Read more about the Structural Food Physics and Soft Matter Self-Assembly group here >>










Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme

The Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme vision is to create a world-leading quantum ecosystem that radically improves the quantum computing landscape and creates societal impact. 

It has the potential to bring fundamentally new understanding and solutions to problems in both physical- and life sciences. 

More about the Novo Nordisk  Foundation Quantum Computing Programme here >>

Center for Quantum Devices

The researchers at the center builds and studies electronic circuits that exhibit effects of quantum coherence and low dimension.

Development of quantum devices

The purpose is to develop quantum electronics of the future by exploring the interaction between advanced materials and the quantum mechanical effects of electronic solid-state nano-components. These may be semiconducting nanowires, carbon nanotubes and superconducting systems.

More about the Center for Quantum Devices >>




































































































































Katrin Hjorth, Group secretary
Niels Bohr Bygningen, Jagtvej 155A, 2200 København N.
Telefon: +45 35 33 32 49

Kim Lefmann, Professor
X-ray and Neutron Science
Universitetsparken 5,
HCØ, Building 3, 2100 København Ø.
Phone: +45 29 25 04 76

Jens Paaske, Associate Professor
Niels Bohr Building
Jagtvej 155, 2. floor
2200 Copenhagen N.
Phone: +45 353-20395 






















Name Title
Search in Name Search in Title
Abdi, Sherwan External Billede af Abdi, Sherwan
Akbari, Masoud External Billede af Akbari, Masoud
Als-Nielsen, Jens Emeritus Billede af Als-Nielsen, Jens
Andersen, Rikke External Billede af Andersen, Rikke
Andersen, Brian Møller Associate Professor Billede af Andersen, Brian Møller
Andersson, Christine Wei PhD Fellow Billede af Andersson, Christine Wei
Andresen, Bjarne Associate Professor Emeritus Billede af Andresen, Bjarne
Ansaloni, Fabio External Billede af Ansaloni, Fabio
Asaad, Serwan External Billede af Asaad, Serwan
Banszerus, Luca Felix External Billede af Banszerus, Luca Felix
Baran, Virgil Guest Researcher Billede af Baran, Virgil
Barbieri, Pierre-Armand Visitor Billede af Barbieri, Pierre-Armand
Batista, Maria João Procurement Officer Billede af Batista, Maria João
Belo, Miguel Carrera External Billede af Belo, Miguel Carrera
Benitez Jara, Fernando Gabriel Visitor Billede af Benitez Jara, Fernando Gabriel
Berritta, Fabrizio Postdoc Billede af Berritta, Fabrizio
Beznasiuk, Daria External Billede af Beznasiuk, Daria
Bondar, James David External Billede af Bondar, James David
Bookman, Kristi External Billede af Bookman, Kristi
Brovang, Bertram Seck Research Assistant Billede af Brovang, Bertram Seck
Bundgaard, Bonnie Office Trainee Billede af Bundgaard, Bonnie
Burrello, Michele External Researcher Billede af Burrello, Michele
Carrad, Damon James External Billede af Carrad, Damon James
Chatterjee, Anasua External Researcher Billede af Chatterjee, Anasua
Chavez-Garcia, Jose Manuel External Billede af Chavez-Garcia, Jose Manuel
Christensen, Morten Holm Assistant Professor Billede af Christensen, Morten Holm
Christensen, Daniel Lomholt Student Billede af Christensen, Daniel Lomholt
Christiansen, Hans PhD Fellow Billede af Christiansen, Hans
Chung, Tsung-Lin Research Assistant Billede af Chung, Tsung-Lin
Clausen, Thorbjørn Valdemar Ræder External Billede af Clausen, Thorbjørn Valdemar Ræder
Co, Harold Lim PhD Fellow Billede af Co, Harold Lim
Dahl, Anders Enevold PhD Fellow Billede af Dahl, Anders Enevold
Dai, Yi Visitor Billede af Dai, Yi
Dalal, Kamaldeep Enrolled PhD Student Billede af Dalal, Kamaldeep
Das, Subhadip Academic Staff Billede af Das, Subhadip
Dinesen, Celine Schou External Billede af Dinesen, Celine Schou
Dsouza, Reuel PhD Fellow Billede af Dsouza, Reuel
Efthymiou-Tsironi, Maria External Billede af Efthymiou-Tsironi, Maria
Eichinger, Michaela External Billede af Eichinger, Michaela
Feidenhans'l, Robert Krarup Visiting Professor Billede af Feidenhans'l, Robert Krarup
Feldstein Bofill, David PhD Fellow Billede af Feldstein Bofill, David
Flensberg, Karsten Professor Billede af Flensberg, Karsten
Fugl, Emma Visiting Student Billede af Fugl, Emma
Gondolf, Jannik PhD Fellow Billede af Gondolf, Jannik
Gunnarsson, Ivar PhD Fellow Billede af Gunnarsson, Ivar
Guttesen, Henrik Schou External Billede af Guttesen, Henrik Schou
Guttesen, Freja Schou PhD Fellow Billede af Guttesen, Freja Schou
Hajigeorgiou, Emily External Billede af Hajigeorgiou, Emily
Hedegård, Per Professor Billede af Hedegård, Per
Henningsen, Jes Associate Professor Emeritus Billede af Henningsen, Jes
Hermansen, Cecilie External Billede af Hermansen, Cecilie
Hjermind, Siri Stenstrup Bachelor student Billede af Hjermind, Siri Stenstrup
Holgaard, Ulrik Laurens Drejer External Billede af Holgaard, Ulrik Laurens Drejer
Holscher, Alton James Visitor Billede af Holscher, Alton James
Huang, Zhujun Guest Researcher Billede af Huang, Zhujun
Jakobsen, Leo Uhre External Billede af Jakobsen, Leo Uhre
Jansen, Thies External Billede af Jansen, Thies
Jensen, Jens Associate Professor Emeritus Billede af Jensen, Jens
Jin, Yiran Guest Researcher Billede af Jin, Yiran
Johnson, Erik Associate Professor Emeritus Billede af Johnson, Erik
Joseph, Merin Visitor Billede af Joseph, Merin
Kang, Jung-hyun (Jordan) External Researcher Billede af Kang, Jung-hyun (Jordan)
Kepa, Marcin External Billede af Kepa, Marcin
Kirkensgaard, Jacob Judas Kain Associate Professor Billede af Kirkensgaard, Jacob Judas Kain
Kjaergaard, Morten Associate Professor - Promotion Programme Billede af Kjaergaard, Morten
Konstantinopoulou, Pinelopi Olgana External Billede af Konstantinopoulou, Pinelopi Olgana
Kreisel, Andreas Assistant Professor Billede af Kreisel, Andreas
Krighaar, Kristine Marie Løfgren PhD Student Billede af Krighaar, Kristine Marie Løfgren
Krizek, Filip Assistant Professor Billede af Krizek, Filip
Kurapati, Oopa Srija Visiting Student Billede af Kurapati, Oopa Srija
Kutchinsky, Rune External Billede af Kutchinsky, Rune
Kvande, Claire External Billede af Kvande, Claire
Lakic, Lazar PhD Fellow Billede af Lakic, Lazar
Larsen, Robert Garbrecht External Billede af Larsen, Robert Garbrecht
Larsen, Andreas Haahr Assistant Professor Billede af Larsen, Andreas Haahr
Lawrie, William Iain Leonard Assistant Professor Billede af Lawrie, William Iain Leonard
Lefmann, Kim Professor Billede af Lefmann, Kim
Leijnse, Martin Christian External Billede af Leijnse, Martin Christian
Lenander, Emma Ynill PhD Fellow Billede af Lenander, Emma Ynill
Leveraro, Filippo External Billede af Leveraro, Filippo
Lindelof, Poul Erik Emeritus Billede af Lindelof, Poul Erik
Liu, Yu Academic Staff Billede af Liu, Yu
Luus, Jürgen PhD Fellow Billede af Luus, Jürgen
Lykkegaard, Magnus Rønne Research Assistant Billede af Lykkegaard, Magnus Rønne
Marcus, Charles M. Professor Billede af Marcus, Charles M.
Marshall, William External Billede af Marshall, William
McNeil, Robert External Billede af McNeil, Robert
Meucci, Giulia Visitor Billede af Meucci, Giulia
Mitsutake, Hery External Billede af Mitsutake, Hery
Mortensen, Kell Professor Emeritus Billede af Mortensen, Kell
Møller, Svend Krøjer Postdoc Billede af Møller, Svend Krøjer
Nagda, Gunjan Piyush External Billede af Nagda, Gunjan Piyush
Nahapetyan, Gor Visiting Student Billede af Nahapetyan, Gor
Nielsen, Malthe Asmus Marciniak PhD Student Billede af Nielsen, Malthe Asmus Marciniak
Nitsch, Maximilian External Billede af Nitsch, Maximilian
Nunes Bordallo, Heloisa Associate Professor Billede af Nunes Bordallo, Heloisa
Nygård, Jesper Professor Billede af Nygård, Jesper
Nyhegn, Jens Havgaard External Billede af Nyhegn, Jens Havgaard
Ola Erik Barkman, Mats Postdoc Billede af Ola Erik Barkman, Mats
Olsen, Emil Møller Bachelor student Billede af Olsen, Emil Møller
Olsen, Lara Liva External Billede af Olsen, Lara Liva
Paaske, Jens Associate Professor Billede af Paaske, Jens
Papon, Camille External Billede af Papon, Camille
Paulsen, Amalie Terese Jiao PhD Fellow Billede af Paulsen, Amalie Terese Jiao
Pedersen, Martin Cramer External Research Assistant Billede af Pedersen, Martin Cramer
Pio, Dot Belin Master-Student Billede af Pio, Dot Belin
Piquard, Colin Postdoc Billede af Piquard, Colin
Prosser, Octavia External Billede af Prosser, Octavia
Rana, Deepti Postdoc Billede af Rana, Deepti
Rasmussen, Finn Berg Associate Professor Emeritus Billede af Rasmussen, Finn Berg
Rasmussen, Torbjørn Raasø Research Assistant Billede af Rasmussen, Torbjørn Raasø
Ray, Pia Jensen Research Assistant Billede af Ray, Pia Jensen
Roig I Server, Mercè External Billede af Roig I Server, Mercè
Rudner, Mark Spencer External Billede af Rudner, Mark Spencer
Røhling, Tobias Thornsen External Billede af Røhling, Tobias Thornsen
Rømer, Astrid Tranum External Billede af Rømer, Astrid Tranum
Sanchez, Daniel Steve Enrolled PhD Student Billede af Sanchez, Daniel Steve
Sasmal, Satyaki Postdoc Billede af Sasmal, Satyaki
Schack, Silas Billeschou Student Billede af Schack, Silas Billeschou
Schlosser, Rasmus Dalsgaard Research Assistant Billede af Schlosser, Rasmus Dalsgaard
Schwarze, Oliver Holmegaard External Billede af Schwarze, Oliver Holmegaard
Sestoft, Joachim Elbeshausen Postdoc Billede af Sestoft, Joachim Elbeshausen
Severin, Johann Bock PhD Fellow Billede af Severin, Johann Bock
Shagalov, Ksenia PhD Fellow Billede af Shagalov, Ksenia
Sidorczak, Pawel Tadeusz PhD Fellow Billede af Sidorczak, Pawel Tadeusz
Singh, Shikhar PhD Fellow Billede af Singh, Shikhar
Skelboe, Stig Emeritus Billede af Skelboe, Stig
Smith, Henrik Emeritus Billede af Smith, Henrik
Solow, Oliver Ovsée Laub PhD Fellow Billede af Solow, Oliver Ovsée Laub
Spørring, Marcus Vestergaard Master-Student Billede af Spørring, Marcus Vestergaard
Sturm, Patrick Michael Olsen Master Student Billede af Sturm, Patrick Michael Olsen
Su, Yao PhD Fellow Billede af Su, Yao
Syljuåsen, Olav Fredrik External Researcher Billede af Syljuåsen, Olav Fredrik
Taborda Félix Lochmatter, Luna Ilda External Billede af Taborda Félix Lochmatter, Luna Ilda
Taherkhani, Masoomeh Historical Employment Billede af Taherkhani, Masoomeh
Tang, Zhenzhong External Billede af Tang, Zhenzhong
Telkamp, Sjoerd Frans Willem Visiting Student Billede af Telkamp, Sjoerd Frans Willem
Theodor, Keld Assistant Engineer Billede af Theodor, Keld
Thiyagarajah, Naganivetha External Billede af Thiyagarajah, Naganivetha
Tsekeridis, Charalampos PhD Fellow Billede af Tsekeridis, Charalampos
Tsintzis, Athanasios External Postdoc Billede af Tsintzis, Athanasios
Upadhyay, Shivendra External Billede af Upadhyay, Shivendra
Vaitiekenas, Saulius Associate Professor Billede af Vaitiekenas, Saulius
Vanjarapu, N Manikanta Sai Raghava Narendra Visiting Student Billede af Vanjarapu, N Manikanta Sai Raghava Narendra
Viegas, Beatriz Rodrigues External Billede af Viegas, Beatriz Rodrigues
Vlachodimitropoulos, Vasileios Research Assistant Billede af Vlachodimitropoulos, Vasileios
Wang, Chaoyue External Billede af Wang, Chaoyue
Wied, Casper PhD Fellow Billede af Wied, Casper
Wolff, Frederik Knudsen External Billede af Wolff, Frederik Knudsen
Zhao, Junting PhD Fellow Billede af Zhao, Junting
Zhuang, Patrick External Billede af Zhuang, Patrick
Øgendal, Lars Holm Associate Professor Emeritus Billede af Øgendal, Lars Holm