Condensed Matter Theory

Research and teaching in the condensed matter theory group focuses on interacting many-body systems, such as quantum dots, semiconductor nanowires, bulk materials (natural or synthetic), hybrid structures and interfaces. We investigate their electronic, magnetic, superconducting, and many other properties using a wide range of analytical and numerical methods.
Forskning i Faststoffysik på Niels Bohr Institutet ved Københavns Universitet Forskning i Faststoffysik på Niels Bohr Institutet ved Københavns Universitet Forskning i Faststoffysik på Niels Bohr Institutet ved Københavns Universitet Forskning i Faststoffysik på Niels Bohr Institutet ved Københavns Universitet















The Condensed Matter Theory group at the Niels Bohr Institute currently comprises five members of staff as well as a number of post-docs, as well as phd, masters, and bachelor students.

Niels Bohr BuildingThe group is located in the new Niels Bohr Building, Jagtvej 155, 2200 Copenhagen N. and the experimental solid state physics activities at the Niels Bohr Institute is located at the H.C. Ørsted institute.

Billede af bygning 3 på H. C. Ørsted InstitutetThe group as a whole works in close collaboration with the experimental groups, and has its focus on problems of quantum transport and correlated electron systems.

There is much collaboration across the group, and we have joint weekly group meetings, topical journal clubs as well as a series of condensed matter seminars with invited speakers. The group has many visitors throughout the year, and we are always happy to host also longer term visitors to the group.

More extended visits can also be facilitated by the Niels Bohr International Academy, located in the former Nordita premises on Blegdamsvej.








































































































































































Jens Paaske, Associate Professor
Niels Bohr Building
Jagtvej 128, 2. floor
2200 Copenhagen N.
Phone: +45 35 32 03 95 

Katrin Hjorth, Center Secretary 
Niels Bohr Building
Jagtvej 128, 2. floor
2200 Copenhagen N.
Phone: +45 93 56 51 32























Name Title Phone E-mail
Search in Name Search in Title Search in Phone
Andersen, Brian Møller Associate Professor +4550468651 E-mail
Baran, Virgil Guest Researcher   E-mail
Christensen, Morten Holm Academic Research Staff +4535321193 E-mail
Dahl, Anders Enevold PhD Fellow +4535334915 E-mail
Flensberg, Karsten Professor +4535320418 E-mail
Hedegård, Per Professor +4528750435 E-mail
Hermansen, Cecilie Research Assistant +4535333485 E-mail
Kreisel, Andreas Assistant Professor   E-mail
Møller, Svend Krøjer Postdoc +4535320790 E-mail
Paaske, Jens Associate Professor +4535320395 E-mail

Group and section leader

Jens Paaske, Associate Professor
Phone: +45 35 32 03 95