At stille de akademiske rutiner på hovedet: Efterhandsreflektioner kring ett kollektivistisk, muntlig, essäistisk, antimetodisk metod

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In the following conversation, three of the initiators of Nordic Poets and Critics try to gather some of the experiences from the project’s three workshops. Initially, the framework for the meeting between poets, critics and scholars from four Nordic countries is sketched out. Which dynamics prevailed in the conversations? What consequences did the very open form have? What were the advantages and disadvantages of crossing not only national borders but also the traditional division of labor within the literary institution? The conversation then develops in two tracks: One concerns the cultural critical potential of having a transversal and non-targeted conversation about literature; the other concerns the development of ways of reading literature that not only mix the perspectives of authors, critics and scholars, but even include the author’s own perception of his text. In the end, it is concluded with a reversal of a ruling logic of power that requires documentation prior to practice, here formulated with the help of Sara Ahmed: “What we have done with Nordic poets and critics, so far, is that we have started with Do the doing – and now we need to do the documents.”
Translated title of the contributionTurning academic routines upside down: Retrospective reflections on a collectivist, oral, essayistic, anti-methodological method
Original languageMultiple languages
JournalNordisk poesi: Tidsskrift for lyrikkforskning
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)4-15
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2023

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