Miguel Fernando Morillas Garcia

Miguel Fernando Morillas Garcia


I am post-doctoral researcher at the SkillsINCORP project. My research focuses on understanding the incorporation of high skilled migrant workers in organizations. More broadly, I am interested in two questions: a) the structural barriers faced by skilled migrants in organizations, and b) the construction of inclusive narratives in organizations for managing an ethnically diverse workforce.

I am affiliated researcher at the Center for Responsible Leadership (Stockholm School of Economics). Prior to joining the SkillsINCORP project, I was guest researcher at the Department of organization at Copenhagen Business School.

Research interests:
Skilled migrants and migration, organization theory, diversity and inclusion, critical management studies, postcolonialism, qualitative and ethnographic methods.

Educational qualifications:
PhD in Management and Organization (Stockholm School of Economics)
MPhil in Public Policy Research (Central European University)
MA in Political Science (Pompeu Fabra university)
BA in Sociology (Carlos III University, Madrid)

ID: 336988898