Transient exposure of a buried phosphorylation site in an autoinhibited protein

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Autoinhibition is a mechanism used to regulate protein function, often by making functional sites inaccessible through the interaction with a cis-acting inhibitory domain. Such autoinhibitory domains often display a substantial degree of structural disorder when unbound, and only become structured in the inhibited state. These conformational dynamics make it difficult to study the structural origin of regulation, including effects of regulatory post-translational modifications. Here, we study the autoinhibition of the Dbl Homology domain in the protein Vav1 by the so-called acidic inhibitory domain. We use molecular simulations to study the process by which a mostly unstructured inhibitory domain folds upon binding and how transient exposure of a key buried tyrosine residue makes it accessible for phosphorylation. We show that the inhibitory domain, which forms a helix in the bound and inhibited stated, samples helical structures already before binding and that binding occurs via a molten-globule-like intermediate state. Together, our results shed light on key interactions that enable the inhibitory domain to sample a finely tuned equilibrium between an inhibited and a kinase-accessible state.

Original languageEnglish
JournalBiophysical Journal
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)91-101
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 Biophysical Society

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