High Energy Heavy Ion Physics at the Niels Bohr Institute High Energy Heavy Ion Physics at the Niels Bohr Institute High Energy Heavy Ion Physics at the Niels Bohr Institute High Energy Heavy Ion Physics at the Niels Bohr Institute High Energy Heavy Ion Physics at the Niels Bohr Institute High Energy Heavy Ion Physics at the Niels Bohr Institute

ALICE Experiment

The High Energy Heavy Ion group at the Niels Bohr Institute studies collisions between atomic nuclei which have been accelerated to ultrarelativistic energies.

The aim of such studies is to explore and understand the properties of matter at extreme temperatures (~1012 degrees) and densities (>10 times nuclear matter density).

In particular, we are interested in characterizing the transition from normal hadronic matter to the Quark-Gluon Plasma, a state of matter consisting of deconfined quarks and gluons.







ALICE MasterClass 2025

Vi har 2 MasterClass dage i februar og marts 2025

    • 11. februar 2025 kl 10:00 - 17:30
    • 18. marts  2025 kl 10:00 - 17:30

Kunne du tænke dig at være fysiker for en dag?

Oplev en dag som forsker – prøv kræfter med at arbejde med forskningsdata fra ALICE eksperimentet.

ALICE MasterClass om 'Strange' partikler

I denne MasterClass vil du prøve at finde mærkelige partikler i en sværm af andre partikler.

  • Du vil undersøge partikler lavet i høj-energi kollisioner ved CERNs Large Hadron Collider.
  • Din opgave er at finde ud af om kollisioner mellem tunge ioner er mere eller mindre mærkelige end kollisioner mellem protoner.
  • Det vil fortælle os om egenskaberne ved den stærke kernekraft - den kraft der holder sammen på atomkernen.

Læs mere og tilmeld dig



























The ALICE Collaboration has built a dedicated detector to exploit the unique physics potential of nucleus-nucleus collisions at LHC energies. Our aim is to study the physics of strongly interacting matter at the highest energy densities reached so far in the laboratory.

Alice Detector
The ALICE detector in CERN, 2013.

In such condition, an extreme phase of matter - called the quark-gluon plasma - is formed. Our universe is thought to have been in such a primordial state for the first few millionths of a second after the Big Bang.

More about ALICE here >>


















































This group participates in the ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider where it is responsible for a laser calibration system for the Time Projection Chamber and for the Forward Multiplicity Detector.













Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, Professor
Blegdamsvej 17
2100 København Ø
Bygning Q, Building: Qb-18b
Email: gardhoje@nbi.ku.dk 
Phone: +45 35 32 53 09
Mobile: +45 20 99 53 09
Fax: +45 35 32 50 16












Name Title Phone E-mail
Search in Name Search in Title Search in Phone
Bearden, Ian Professor +4535337626 E-mail
Bøggild, Hans Associate Professor Emeritus +4535325286 E-mail
Gaardhøje, Jens Jørgen Professor +4535325309 E-mail
Gulbrandsen, Kristjan Herlache Associate Professor +4535325351 E-mail
Jia, Shihai PhD Student E-mail
Nielsen, Emil Gorm Dahlbæk Postdoc +4535335384 E-mail
Sarkar, Debojit Postdoc +4535328518 E-mail
Simeonov, Radoslav Rosenov Enrolled PhD Student E-mail
Wu, Wenya PhD Student E-mail
Yu, Zhi PhD Student E-mail
Zhao, Mingrui PhD Student E-mail
Zhou, You Associate Professor +4535331282 E-mail