Climate 2022.03.11 Past global photosynthesis reacted quickly to more carbon in the air Ice cores allow climate researchers to look 800,000 years back in time: atmospheric carbon acts as…
ASTROPHYSICS 2022.03.09 Black Hole Billiards in the Centers of Galaxies Researchers provide the first plausible explanation to why one of the most massive black hole pairs…
Astrophysics: 2022.02.01 New analysis leads to a fundamentally different view of supermassive black holes In the center of most galaxies lies a supermassive black hole. Some of these are actively feeding o…
PhD defense: 2022.01.21 PhD defense by Julien Westhoff Congratulations to Julien Westhoff at Physics of Ice, Climate and Earth who successfully defended…
PhD defense: 2021.12.21 Congratulations to Iris Fernandes Congratulations to Iris Fernandes at Physics of Ice, Climate and Earth who successfully defended he…
PhD defense: 2021.12.15 Congratulations to Sissal Vágsheyg Erenbjerg Congratulations to Sissal Vágsheyg Erenbjerg at Physics of Ice, Climate and Earth who successfully…
Astrophysics: 2021.12.08 A novel way of investigating star-forming gas in the early Universe Combining observations of exploding stars and observations of galaxies, astronomers at the Cosmic…
Outer space 2021.11.22 One in five galaxies in the early universe could still be hidden behind cosmic dust Astronomers at the University of Copenhagen’s Cosmic Dawn Center have discovered two previously…
quantum technology 2021.10.28 Innovative chip built by UCPH physicists resolves quantum headache Quantum physicists at the University of Copenhagen are reporting an international achievement for…
Astrophysics: 2021.10.08 Reported record-distant explosion turns out to be probably just a piece of space junk A perspective into how science sometimes operates: Even with the most careful measures taken to…