
Schedule Autumn 2021.

12/8 Ann-Sofie Zinck (IMAU, UU): “Exploring the cryosphere using the Google Earth Engine”.
19/8 Christine Hvidberg: presentation of Sellevold and Vizcaino (2021, GRL): “First application of articial neural networks to estimate 21st century Greenland ice sheet surface melt”
26/8 Aslak Grinsted: Presentation of picking tool for digitizing various data.
2/9 Clothilde Michelet (DMI/Toulouse): Presentation of PISM summer project on ice-ocean interactions.
9/9 Group discussion on PISM modelling
16/9 No meeting
23/9 Mikkel Lauritzen: presentation of Aschwanden et al. 2013.
30/9 Visit by Andy Aschwanden - special program
7/10 No meeting
14/10 Anne Solgaard and Dina Rapp: presentation of Vijay et al. 2019
21/10 Autumn holiday, no meeting
28/10 Nicholas Rathmann:"Deriving Glen's flow law from plastic potential theory" (room 008)
4/11 No meeting
11/11 Informal group meeting
18/11 EGRIP SC meetings
25/11 Steven Franke (AWI): Paleo-ice stream signatures in Greenland radar.
2/12 Nicholas Rathmann: “A one-dimensional polarimetric radar model for polycrystalline ice”.
9/12 Tamara Gerber: update of her ongoing work with radar modelling.
16/12 Informal group meeting + overview of upcoming conferences
23/12 Christmas holiday
30/12 Christmas holiday

Schedule Spring 2021. Themes: Glaciology. Ice flow. Surface mass balance. Ice in the climate system.

7/1 Happy New Year! Start up meeting and updates
14/1 Ann-Sofie Zinck: Update from surface roughness study in Greenland.
21/1 Nicholas Rathmann: Consequence of assuming isotropic ice when inverting for basal drag.
28/1 Sebastian Simonsen: Greenland Ice Sheet mass balance (1992-2020) from calibrated radar altimetry (new paper in GRL 2021)
4/2 An informal discussion of current work
11/2 Vincent Verjans (Lancaster University): Uncertainty in East Antarctic firn thickness constrained using a model ensemble approach
18/2 An informal discussion of current work
25/2 David Lilien: presents Thermal controls on ice-stream shear margins by Hunter et al. (2021)
4/3 Dorthe Dahl-Jensen: two papers about seismic at EGRIP; Christianson et al. (2014): Dilatant till facilitates ice-stream flow in northeast Greenland and Riverman et al. (2019): Wet subglacial bedforms of the NE Greenland Ice Stream shear margins
11/3 Discussion of current work and updates + the new datasets QGreenland & Qantarctica (Aslak Grinsted)
18/3 Christine Hvidberg: presents a new paper by Fahrner et al.
25/3 Hiking trip to Dyrehaven
1/4 Easter
8/4 Christine Hvidberg: update on rover building
15/4 An informal discussion of current work
22/4 EGU presentations by Tamara Gerber (NBI) and Julien Westhoff (NBI)

Christine Hvidberg: presents Complex multi-decadal ice dynamical change inland of marine-terminating glaciers on the Greenland Ice Sheet by Williams et al. (2021)

6/5 Anders Bjørk (Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, KU): "Luft – Antarctic Imagery Resurfaced" (a Villum young investigator project)
13/5 Ascencion
20/5 Laurent Lindpointer (DMI/NBI): "Comparison of Greenland ice-sheet surface mass balance as calculated by EC-Earth 3 and CISSEMBEL energy balance model".
27/5 Informal discussions of ongoing work
3/6 Christine Hvidberg: discussion of Gowan et al. 2016 and 2021
10/6 Nicholas Rathmann: Can mechanical anisotropies be isotropically compensated for using a simple enhancement factor?
17/6 informal discussions of ongoing work

21/6: Excursion

24/6: Discussion of Bassis et al. 2021: "Transition to marine ice cliff instability controlled by ice thickness gradients and velocity" Links:  article and perspectives article OBS time is shifted to be 10-11

1/7 Dina Rapp: Seasonal variations in ice velocity in Greenland (midterm colloquium)
8/7 Summer vacation

Schedule Autumn 2020. Themes: Glaciology. Ice flow. Surface mass balance. Ice in the climate system.

20/8 Start up meeting - report from current work
27/8 David Lillien: anistropic ice flow modelling of an ice stream
3/9 cancelled du to travel
10/9 discussion on anisotropy and ice flow (Nicholas and David)
17/9 Øyvind A. Winton (DTU, GEUS): Inversion for basal conditions at Hagen Bræ, North Greenland.
24/9 Nicholas Rathmann: Polycrystalline directional enhancement-factors given a nonlinear grain rheology.
1/10 Guest speaker: Tun Jan Young (UCambridge): shear margins and fabric on Thwaites Glacier
8/10 Christine Hvidberg: presentation of Briner et al. 2020 and discussion.
15/10 No meeting (school holiday)
22/10 Group meeting and discussion
29/10 OBS new time 16:00 CET: Guest speaker: Jessica Badgeley (UW): title tba
5/11 No meeting due to exams
12/11 International Glaciological Society Nordic Branch meeting 2020, 11-13/11 - NIGS2020
19/11 Christine Hvidberg: presentation of Moon et al. 2020 and discussion
26/11 Updates of current work and group discussions.
3/12 Iceflow meeting and presentation by Nicholas Rathmann: Autonomous detection of crystal boundaries.
10/12 Nanna Karlsson (GEUS): TBD
17/12 Ruth Mottram (DMI): Recent advances in SMB modelling.
24/12 Christmas holiday
31/12 Christmas holiday
7/1 First meeting in 2021. Cancelled: Greenland ice sheet seminar at DTU

Schedule Spring 2020. Themes: Glaciology and ice flow, Surface mass balance, Climate modeling, Ice sheet flow and evolution.

9/1 Greenland ice sheet seminar at NBI
16/1  Coffee and figure at PICE
23/1 Tamara Gerber (PICE): presentation of Elsworth et al. 2019
30/1 Cancelled due to travel
6/2 Workshop postponed to next week
10-11/2 Workshop on shear margins on 10-11 Feb.
Seminar on Tuesday 11/2 11-12: Daniela Jansen (AWI): Radar mapping of the bedrock and layering in NEGIS
20/2 No meeting
27/2 No meeting
5/3 Pastry and Plots on La Esquina" from 9-10. Address: Ryesgade 76, 2100 København.
12/3 No meeting
19/3 Christine Hvidberg (PICE): presentation of paper by Nick et al.: Future sea level rise from Greenlands outlet glaciers.
26/3 Nicholas Rathmann (PICE): "Numerical experiments with a bending ice shelf in FEniCS"
2/4 Falk Oraschewski (PICE): "Modeling Firn Densification in the presence of Horizontal Strains".
9/4 No meeting due to Easter
16/4 Nanna Karlsson (GEUS):”radar-derived accumulation rates”.
23/4 Signe Hillerup Larsen (GEUS): "Dynamics of Upernavik Isstrøm – Controlling mechanisms of ice stream flow."
30/4 Flor Vermassen (GEUS/Stockholm): "Investigating ice-ocean interactions at Upernavik Isstrøm from a sediment perspective"
7/5 Søren Rysgaard (AU): “An updated view on water masses on the pan-West Greenland continental shelf and their link to proglacial fjords.”
14/5 Christine Hvidberg (CIC): presentation of paper by Velicogna et al. (2020)
21/5 No meeting due to holiday
28/5 Ann-Sofie Priergaard Zinck (PICE): "Ice velocities and thickness of the Mueller ice cap"
4/6 Virtual coffee and figures meeting
9/6 + 11/6 NOTICE time and date
Tuesday 15:00: Lizz Ultee (MIT): "An upper bound on 21st century outlet glacier retreat." (GOTO meeting link)
Thursday 15:00: Jean-Louis Tison (ULB, Belgium): "Camp Century: A new window peeking into the deglaciation cycles history of the Greenland Ice Sheet." (GOTO meeting link)
17/6 Notice moved to Wednesday - informal journal club group meeting
25/6 Nicholas Rathmann: Grain size dependent flow law for ice
2/7 Summer vacation until mid-August
13/8 First meeting after summer

Schedule Autumn 2019. Themes: Ice streams, Surface mass balance, Ice sheet flow and evolution.

22/8  Nicholas Rathman: A new approach to modelling the evolution of c-axis fabrics in terms of orientation distribution functions.
29/8 OBS seminar at GEUS at 12: Winnie Chu (Stanford): Merging radar with models: Getting new geophysical insights into the subsurface system of ice sheets. Please see mail from Nanna for further information.
5/9 David Lillien: Modeling crystal fabric upstream of EastGRIP.
12/9 Christine Hvidberg & Signe H. Larsen: discussion of PISM/Ua - limitations and advantages for outlet glaciers
19/9 No meeting
26/9 ICAT Phd school - no meeting
3/10 Christine Hvidberg: Discussion of Bassis et al. 2017
10/10 No meeting
17/10 Holidays - no meeting
24/10 Nanna Karlsson and Anne Solgaard (GEUS): Hagen glacier dynamics
31/10 Nicholas Rathmann: presentation of paper by Benn et al. 2019
7/11 Exam - no meeting
14/11 EastGRIP Steering Committee - no meeting
21/11 Reports from EGRIP SC meeting presentations (flow, stratigraphy etc)
28/11 Shuting Yang and Marianne S. Madsen (DMI): A first glance of the CMIP6 experiments
5/12 Ruth Mottram (DMI): update from current work
12/12 Christine Hvidberg: Firn modelling and paper by Alexander et al. 2019
19/12 Dorthe Dahl-Jensen: Report from the site selection of the new BEOI ice core drilling, Antarctica.
9/1 Greenland Ice Sheet Seminar at NBI, Tagensvej 16.

Schedule Spring 2019. Themes: Ice streams, Surface mass balance, Ice sheet flow and evolution.

3/1  -
10/1 Greenland Ice Sheet Seminar at DMI
17/10 Ann-Sofie Prier Zinck (GEUS/NBI): Work on Hagen glacier, North Greeenland.
24/10 Nanna B. Karlsson: Presentation and discussion of paper by Yu et al. 2018.
31/10 Group meeting 9-10 at DMI jointly with the Ice2ice meeting (presentations by Ruth Mottram, Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, Martin Olesen
7/2 Ruth Mottram (DMI): Peterman glacier revisited
14/2 No meeting
21/2 No meeting
28/2 Aslak Grinsted (NBI): the brick model by Wong et al. 2017.
7/3 Anne Solgaard: paper by Andrés et al. 2018, JGlac.on ice-ocean interaction at Hansbreen, Svalbard
14/3 Christine Hvidberg: paper by Choi et al. 2018. on calving laws to model Greenland outlet glaciers.
20/3 OBS NOTICE MOVED to WEDNESDAY: Signe Gevik (DMI/NBI) Greenland Ice Sheet modelling: investigation of calving rates with the PISM model. Mid-term colloquium.
28/3 Group discussion
4/4 Workshop on basal ice from the Greenland ice sheet - ask for info
11/4 EGU - no meeting
18/4 Easter 
25/4 Group discussions
2/5 Cancelled
9/5 Cancelled - Ice2ice project meeting in Norway
16/5 Ruth Mottram: Greenland SMB and topography
23/5 David Lillien: presentation of paper by Lilien et al 2018
30/5 No meeting - Ascension
6/6 Christine Hvidberg: paper by Larsen at al. 2018
13/6 Cancelled due to travel
20/6 Cancelled due to travel

Signe Hillerup Larsen: Model study of Helheim glacier since 300 AD

OBS Notice Friday 28/6 at 10: Signe Gevik MSc thesis defense: Greenland Ice Sheet modelling: A study of calving parametrisations

4/7 Summer vacation
18/8 First meeting after summer

Schedule Autumn 2018. Themes: Ice streams, Surface mass balance, Ice sheet flow and evolution.

20/9 Group discussion and planning meeting
27/9 Christine Hvidberg: presentation of Bons et al 2018.
4/10 Job Rosier (DMI): current work on the Peterman glacier.
11/10 Nikolaj Hansen (DMI/DTU): Antarctic SMB with DMI model.
Notice Friday talk on 12/10 by Ryan Neely.
18/10 Cancelled due to autumn break
25/11 Christine Hvidberg: Interglacial variability of the Greenland ice sheet
1/11 Aslak Grinsted: New GPS processing tool
8/11 No meeting
15/11 Cancelled due to EastGRIP Steering Committee Meeting
22/11 Cancelled due to a proposal preparation meeting
29/11 Special schedule this week:
Monday 26/11 10-11 - Ralf Greve (USapporo, Japan): Greenland geothermal heat flux.
Monday 26/11 13-16 - Nicholas Rathmann: Non-linear fluid dynamics (Phd defence).
Thursday 29/11 9-10: Julien Westhoff: First line-scan observations of the EastGRIP ice core (Weekly group meeting).
Friday 30/11 13-14: Ed Waddington (UW, Seattle): Firn compaction and modelling.
6/12 William Colgan, GEUS: Investigations with a new melt-drill HotRod.
12/12 OBS moved to Wednesday 12/12, 9-10. Signe Gevik: presentation of Aschwanden et al 2016 + discussion of PISM model parameters for Greenland
27/12 Christmas Holiday
10/1 First meeting after Christmas: Greenland Ice Sheet Seminar at DMI

Schedule Spring 2018. Themes: NEGIS/Ice stream flow. Past evolution of GrIS.

4/1 Greenland Ice Sheet Seminar (GEUS).
11/1 Christine Hvidberg: presentation of Langley et al. 2017.
18/1 Group discussion of current work
25/1 Cancelled due to NBI Kick-Off
1/2 Cancelled due to Ice2ice meeting
8/2 OBS moved to WED 7/2, 9-10. Group discussion of current work
29/3 Easter
5/4 Cancelled due to Hindsgavl meeting
12/4 Cancelled due to EGU
10/5 Kr. Himmelfartsdag

Schedule Autumn 2017. Themes: NEGIS/Ice stream flow. Past evolution of GrIS.

10/8 Henning Aakesson, UiB: Deglaciation of the western Fennoscandian Ice Sheet using ISSM.
17/8 Group discussion and plans for coming meetings.
24/8 Iben Koldtoft: presentation of Noel et al. (1km-surface mass balance from RACMO)
31/8 OBS moved to WED 30/8, 9-10. Rasmus Pedersen: presentation of Birch et al. (glacial inception on Baffin Island)
7/9 OBS moved to WED 6/9, 9-10. Signe H. Larsen: presentation of Bondzio et al.: The mechanisms behind Jakobshavn Isbræ acceleration and mass loss.
14/9 OBS moved to WED 13/9, 9-10. Anne Solgaard (GEUS): Round and others: "Surge dynamics and lake outbursts of Kyagar Glacier, Karakoram"
21/9 Retain workshop, GEUS
28/9 Cancelled
5/10 Nicholas Rathmann: presentation of Weertman (1956): "Deformation of floating ice shelves", Journal of Glaciology.
12/10 OBS moved to WED 11/10, 14-15. Andreas Plach: Surface mass balance on the Greenland ice sheet during the Eemian.
19/10 Cancelled (Autumn holiday)
26/10 Konstanze Haubner (GEUS): "Applying a stress-based calving criterion to simulate retreat of Upernavik Isstrøm 1970-2017 with ISSM"
2/12 EastGRIP SC and NEGIS workshop
9/11 Internal group discussions
16/11 Rasmus A. Pedersen: presentation of Rachmayani et al. 2017 (Sensitivity of GrIS to interglacial climate forcing)
23/11 Cancelled due to Ice2ice SMB workshop at DMI 23-24/11.
30/11 Internal group discussions
7/12 Christine Hvidberg: presentation of Choi et al. 2017 (Modeling the response of 79th and Zachariae ice streams to ocean forcing)
14/12 Cancelled due to Signe Hillerup Larsens PhD defense at 13:00: Dynamics of Upernavik Isstrøm - Controlling mechanisms of flow.
4/1-18 Annual Greenland Ice Sheet Seminar (GEUS)

Schedule Spring 2017. Themes: NEGIS/Ice stream flow. Past evolution of GrIS.

5/1 9:00-15:00: Greenland Ice sheet Seminar. Centre for Ice and Climate, room 235.
12/1 Christine and Nicholas: Feedbacks between surface melt and ice flow speedup - a discussion (input from Austfonna, see Dunse et al. 2015, and NEGIS)
+ Make plans for coming meetings. 
19/1 Lisbeth and Ben: Modelling the build up of GrIS.
26/1 Group discussions
2/2 Cancelled
9/2 Rasmus: Coupled EC-Earth-PISM modelling into the future
16/2 Ben: Force balance analysis of NEGIS outlets - report from Ice2ice working group. The method is described in Van der Veen et al. 2011.
23/2 OBS Time change - 13-15 pm: Midterm colloquia by Martin V. Madsen: Surface and atmosphere interactions at EGRIP, and Karina Hansen: Time-lapse camera observations from KNS, Nuuk Fjord.
2/3 Lisbeth: reconstruct accumulation rate from ice core records
9/3 Group discussions
16/3 Cancelled - Ice2ice meeting in Bergen
22/3 OBS Time and Day change -
Wednesday 10-15: Workshop on Greenland Ice Sheet History.

10.15-11: Nicolaj Krogh Larsen, AU: Tracking the last 2.6 Ma years of ice marginal fluctuations in Greenland using terrestrial archives
11-15: further discussions
30/3 Signe HL: Update on Upernavik outlet glacier modelling.
6/4 Cancelled
13/4 Easter
20/3 Cancelled
27/3 Christine H: Longitudinal surface structures (see Ely et al. 2017)
+ overview of upcoming travelling, guests and meetings.
4/5 OBS - No meeting Thursday
Monday 1/5 at 11-12: Knut Christianson, UW: Subglacial landforms under streaming flow.
Tuesday 2/5 at 10-11: Ed Waddington, UW: A transient internal layer model.
Wednesday 3/5 at 13-14: Brita Horlings and Annika Horlings: UW community firn model work.
11/5 OBS - Monday 8/5 at 13-15: Lisbeth T. Nielsen Phd Defence
OBS - Tuesday 9/5 at 10-12: Robert Arthern: The sensitivity of West Antarctica to the submarine melting feedback. Ralf Greve: InitMIP-Greenland experiments with the ice sheet model SICOPOLIS.
Thursday meeting 9-10: Group discussions
25/5 Ascension (Kr. Himmelfartsdag)
29/6 Summer break
17/8 First meeting after summer break

Schedule Autumn 2016. Themes: NEGIS/Ice stream flow. Past evolution of GrIS.

18/8 Gudfinna Adalgeirsdottir, Univ. Iceland: Work at Vatnajökull and Myrdalsjökull.
25/8 Ben Kiesling: The Greenland ice sheet during the last deglaciation - current work and plans.
31/8 OBS WEDNESDAY 9:00-10:00 OBS Aslak Grinsted: Surface surveys at EastGRIP and Renland.
8/9 Cancelled due to travel.
15/9 Ioana Muresan, DTU: Modelling glacier dynamics at Jakobshavn Isbræ since 1840.
22/9 Christine Hvidberg: Upstream modelling at EastGRIP - an EastGRIP ice flow modelling consortium task.
29/9 Dorthe Dahl-Jensen: Plans for NEGIS/EastGRIP science
6/10 Paper discussion: What can we learn from radar layers? - MacGregor et al. JGR 2016 (Ben Kiesling) and MacGregor et al. Science 2016 (Christine Hvidberg)
13/10 Marianne Sloth Madsen, DMI: Freshwater fluxes from the Greenland Ice Sheet in coupled EC-Earth/PISM-simulations.
20/10 (School holiday)
27/10 Cancelled - EastGRIP Steering Committee & Nordic IGS in Tromsø, Norway
3/11 (ICAT Phd School at CIC)
10/11 Group meeting
17/11 Cancelled - CIC Retreat
24/11 Nicholas Rathmann: Anisotropic flow laws + plan next meetings
1/12 Journal club by Christine Hvidberg. Paper: Gillet-Chaulet and others, 2016: "The friction law under Pine Island Glacier", GRL.
8/12 Journal club by Signe H. Larsen. Paper: Shapero et al, 2016: "Basal resistance for three of the largest Greenland outlet glaciers", JGR-EarthSurface.
15/12 Journal club by Ben Keisling. Papers: Shaefer et al 2016: "Greenland was nearly ice free for extended periods during the Pleistocene", Nature and Bierman et al 2016: "A persistent and dynamic East Greenland Ice Sheet during the past 7.5 million years", Nature
22/12 Holidays
29/12 Holidays
  First meeting 2017: Annual Greenland Ice Sheet Seminar, this year at NBI.