Clear imprint of recent warming

This morning there was blue sky and NO wind.
The borehole was logged today at 5 m intervals in the upper 200 m and at 25 m intervals below. The temperature profile shows a clear imprint of recent warming (as compared to the logging of the 1988 borehole) and the basal temperature is found to be -11 deg C. Tomorrow an attempt of directional drilling is planned.
Yesterday an 11 m firn core (A09) was drilled within 20 m of the 1988 borehole site 1.9 km east of camp (waypoint X003). Today a similar core (A10) was drilled 700 m north of camp (waypoint W084). Both cores were taken at the bottom of 1.1 m deep pits that were sampled at 2.5 cm resolution in beakers. The ‘italian’ snow pit 100 m north of camp is now extended and sampled down to 6 m depth(!)
Weather: Sunny and calm weather. Temperatures -6°C to -9°C, wind 0-5 m/s from S(!).

Some serious cooking preparation took place in the kitchen this morning. Sarah and Niccolò.
Renland FL, Anders
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