Packing, drilling and eating

Taking down the drill tent skeleton. Slowly the ice cap surface is turning back to pre-RECAP conditions. In the background Jakobs setup at the shallow core drill site.
The drill tent was taken down this morning during the best possible weather conditions: Dry, sunny, and calm conditions. Already now there are several tons of cargo ready on the cargo line waiting to be picked up next week. If just weather will continue to collaborate…
This night Jakob made a second drilling attempt with the fast-access drill. Although the drill only penetrated a couple of meters below the casing some important experience has been obtained allowing for future improvements. It has been most exciting to follow this highly innovative project that includes bicycle pump, beer brewing equipment, an olive press, as well as sophisticated ice drilling equipment, and we look forward to see its future developments.
The apron was groomed with the skidoo-sledge setup. Yesterday’s grooming of the skiway has resulted in a hard surface that is well suited for skiing and walking. If it is also well suited for ski-equipped aircrafts we will find out next week.
A great Italian dinner with delicious homemade pasta was prepared by Niccolò and Andrea. Thanks a lot!
Weather: Still very nice weather for outdoor work. Sunny and clear, wind picked up during the night. Temperatures -7°C to -1°C, wind 0-3 m/s from various directions during day and 3-6 m/s from N during night.
Renland FL, Anders
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