We are getting ready for pullout

Jan, Trevor, and Jakob repairing the generator?
Camp is now at a stage where we are ready to receive the Polar 6 plane and ship out the remaining ice core boxes and the first loads of cargo.
The weather forecast for the following days is good, although temperatures are fairly high potentially making it difficult for the plane to take off with high load.
The electric fuel pump was in quite a bad state this morning, but once again Jakob did a fantastic repair job and in a couple of hours it was running again!
Unfortunately, also main generator #2 repeatedly decided to shut down itself this afternoon, apparently unmotivated, and it was replaced by generator #3 that is now running smoothly. Fortunately, those generator issues only appeared after drilling was finished, so that it is not a problem for camp to be without power for some hours. Main issue is to keep the freezer running as the ice cap is far too warm for ice cores these days.
The Sunday sightseeing tours on Skidoo and sledges have created a prepared track around the ice cap that is popular for skiing and walking among camp participants. Since we are basically ready for pullout this provides a welcoming recreation opportunity in the beautiful weather.
Birds have been heard on the track, but we have not had any visitors in camp lately. More importantly, no polar bear tracks have been spotted anywhere on the ice cap whatsoever.
Weather: Warm and sunny. Temperatures -5 to +1°C, wind 0-3 m/s from various directions.

Camp outdoor temperature profile from May 23 (left) until today June 22 (right) as recorded by the RECAP weather station. The last days have been the warmest of the year so far.
Renland FL, Anders
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