7.5 tons flown out of camp

Polar 6 and the crew did an amazing job today - three flights and 7,5 tons out of camp!
We received Polar 6 three times today. First time the plane arrived 9:40, was loaded with 2 tons ice core boxes and 0.5 ton empty drums, and the circular saw we borrowed from Constable Point. At 10:30 the plane was airborne again in first attempt using the full skiway.
For the second mission the plane arrived at 12:35, was loaded with two generators and almost 2 tons of drill equipment. Take-off at 13:45 using half the skiway at +5°C. We also got Emilie up on this flight.
Polar 6 arrived for the 3rd time at 15:45 and was loaded with 2.3 tons: 5 drums diesel, 5 drums estisol, a few boxes and trash. Departure 16:30 at +6°C using full skiway. Bo went to Constable Point on this plane to help Lars out with all the ice and boxes down there.
All together we got almost 7.5 tons of ice core boxes and cargo out of camp today although it has by far been the warmest day so far. Amazing airplane and crew! It is a great relief to have all of this done today and we can now see an end to it. In the afternoon the freezer was taken down ready to go to Mestersvig tomorrow.
This may be the last daily report from RECAP as we plan to take down the kitchen tent and the e-mail connection tomorrow. Let’s see if we get that far. We may still stay for another night to pack the last items.
Weather: Very warm, sunny, and calm. Temperatures -4 to +6°C, wind up to 5 m/s from NNE during the night and almost no wind during the day.
Renland FL, Anders
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