Quantum Gravity Seminar: Kellogg Stelle
Speaker: Kellogg Stelle (Imperial College London)
Spacetime coordinates: Wed @ 14:30, Auditorium A
Zoom Link: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/9295289933?omn=67282578176
Title: Gravity Localization on Membrane Subspacetimes
Abstract: Generally, the effective-theory interpretation of higher dimensional gravity theories in terms of lower dimensional physics requires that the excess "transverse" dimensions form some compact space, in order to generate a mass gap between the lower dimensional dynamics and the full higher dimensional theory. However, this is not always the case: localization in a lower dimension can also occur with a genuinely noncompact transverse space, provided the transverse wave equation has a special structure. Examples of this can occur based on branes, i.e. generalised membrane backgrounds -- such as those occurring in supergravity models.