Notice of death: 2014.10.27 Professor Carl Christian Tscherning has died Professor at the Niels Bohr Institute, Carl Christian Tscherning has died at the age of 72. Carl…
New Telescope: 2014.10.21 New Danish telescope for researching stars and Earth-like exoplanets The first telescope in the Danish led telescope network will be officially opened on 25 October,…
Comet: 2014.10.17 Comet headed for Mars On Sunday evening, 19 October 2014 at 20:30, a comet will come closer to colliding with Mars than w…
Award: 2014.10.15 Charles Marcus receives American research prize Charles Marcus, who is a professor and head of the Center for Quantum Devices at NBI has been…
Sea level: 2014.10.13 Rising sea levels of 1.8 meters in worst-case scenario The climate is getting warmer, the ice sheets are melting and sea levels are rising – but how much?…
FNU YDUN-grants: 2014.10.10 Over 12 million kroner to two researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute Astrophysicist Lise Bech Christensen from the DARK Cosmology Centre and particle physicist Stefania…
Research prize: 2014.10.08 Albert Schliesser awarded international research prize Albert Schliesser, a research assistant professor at Quantop at the Niels Bohr Institute has been…
New Center of Excellence: 2014.10.08 60 million kroner for a new Center of Excellence, StemPhys led by Lene Oddershede Stem cells have the potential to develop into any type of cell and now the Danish National Research…
New Center of Excellence: 2014.10.07 Namiko Mitarai part of a new Center of Excellence, BASP Bacteria are hardy and can survive in the most extreme stress conditions. The Danish National…
Anniversary: 2014.10.01 Four researchers have 100-year anniversary between them Four researchers are celebrating their 25th anniversary. Three of the researchers are Morten Bo…