PhD Defense by Martin Romme Henriksen

Optical Frequency References

Optical frequency references are currently constitutes the most precise measurement possible and have, because of this, a wide variety of applications. This work describes the development of a low-cost and compact, optical frequency reference. An optical resonance of acetylene is used as a frequency reference using a spectroscopy technique called NICE-OHMS. Investigation into stabilized frequency comb is also presented. The frequency comb can be described as a equidistant series of frequency components throughout a wide spectrum. The combination of frequency combs generated with chip-based micro-resonators, and ultra stable frequency reference will be a powerful tool. A novel design of micro-resonators of the non-linear material AlGaAs is developed and characterized.

Principal Supervisor Jan Westenkær Thomsen

Assessment Committee
Professor Albert Schliesser, Niels Bohr Institute
Professor Michael Drewsen, University of Århus IFA
Professor Ove Axner, University of Umeå