Quantop seminar by Hans Stærkind
Optical Magnetometry for MRI
Measurement of the magnetic field during a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequence, can be used to improve the image quality of MRI scans, with obvious benefits for research and diagnostics. For this purpose, we are developing an optical magnetometer to non-invasively, and continuously, probe the magnetic field of a 7 Tesla MRI scanner. Our magnetometer is based on saturated absorption spectroscopy in cesium, and the fiber-coupled probes are non-metallic, making them completely MRI compatible. Interestingly the absolute calibration of our magnetometer has lead us to determine the excited state g-factor for the D2 line with an increased precision of more than two orders of magnitude, and also measure, for the first time ever, the diamagnetic shift of an alkali D-line.
It will be at 13.30 in room Hb1 (15 people allowed, access through the basement, near the reception). You are welcome to join online. Use the Zoom link: