Master's defense: Georgia Anyfantaki

Characterization of quantum state of light emitted from quantum emitter

Efficient and robust light-matter interactions schemes are essential for the
advancement of quantum information protocols, quantum communication
and quantum metrology. For this work, an unbalanced Mach-Zehnder inter-
ferometer was constructed, in order to investigate the quantum state of light
that interacted with a solid-state self-assembled quantum dot embedded in a
1D photonic crystal waveguide. After stabilization and phase locking of the
MZI, the visibility was above 99%. The UMZI was then used to probe the
interference of a resonant light field that interacted with the quantum dot as
a function of excitation power. It was demonstrated that the visibility in the
reflected mode decreased as the power increased, whereas in the transmitted
mode, the visibility firstly decreased, but then increased again. The nonlinear
nature of the interaction gave rise to entangled states in the transmitted mode.
To investigate that, a second identical UMZI was used to perform coincidence
measurements as a function of the interferometer’s phase and the excitation
power. The visibility of the coincidence count rate can yield insight as to
whether the state would violate the CHSH inequality and it was found that it
would, under some assumptions. Theoretical fits were performed for all the
measurements, setting the building blocks for the development of a theoretical