Quantum Optics Seminar: Jacob Hastrup

Bosonic state engineering with cavity QED

Optical systems have long been considered a potential platform for large-scale quantum information processing. Broadly speaking, there exist two general approaches to encode optical qubits: discrete-variable encodings, such as the dual-rail qubit, and continuous-variable encodings, such as cat qubits or Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill qubits, which will be the focus of this seminar. I will first give a brief introduction to the field of continuous-variable optical quantum computing. As we shall see, a major challenge within this field is generating the required resource states. As a potential solution to this challenge, I will then present a method for non-Gaussian state generation using an interaction between a travelling optical mode and a cavity QED system, which might be implementable using quantum dots embedded in nanophotonic cavities.