Seminar: Clara Henke
Investigation of single photon emitters and optically active spin qubits in WSe2
Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides offer a promising platform for quantum communications, primarily due to their two-dimensional (2D) characteristics. The absence of interfaces in the monolayer structure leads to highly efficient light extraction. Additionally, their confinement in the 2D plane and low screening give rise to significant exciton binding energies. The symmetrical lattice of these 2D materials leads to strong optical selection rules, enabling the excitation of excitons at distinct valleys.By establishing a spin in the ground state and employing spin-dependent optical selection rules, a highly efficient mechanism for photon entanglement can be achieved. The reduced dimensionality of the material, combined with the presence of a dilute nuclear spin bath, is expected to result in long coherence lifetimes of around 40 ms.[1]Despite these advantages, the specific configuration of a local spin ground state with spin-selective optical selection rules has yet to be identified. My work in setting up, automating and conducting photoluminescence excitation measurements aims to reveal more about the nature of the emitters.[1] Mykyta Onizhuk, Giulia Galli; Substrate-controlled dynamics of spin qubits in low dimensional van der Waals materials. Appl. Phys. Lett. 12 April 2021; 118 (15): 154003.