Quantum Optics Seminar: Ferdinand Omlor
Spin-photon coupling using tunable spin-charge hybridization in quantum rings
We derive an effective analytic model describing the coupling of electron spins in quantum rings to microwave photons. Dividing a quantum ring symmetrically with two barriers creates a double dot system in which quantum ring states can be achieved at crossings of odd and even parity states. These states show highly anisotropic g-factors and we show how by using a tilted magnetic field, spin-charge hybridization and therefore spin-photon coupling can be achieved. Furthermore, the ring configuration can be broken by detuning the interdot potential which disables the microwave coupling and increases the coherence time. The switchable microwave interaction allows spin control and interconnectivity which are both vital to quantum computing applications. Recent experiments have shown that these quantum ring states can be created in InAs nanowire double quantum dots [1].
[1] H. Potts, et al., Nature Comm. 10, 5740 (2019).