Liu, Shikai, Sandberg, Oliver August Dall’Alba, Chan, Ming Lai, Schrinski, Björn, Anyfantaki, Yiouli, Nielsen, Rasmus B., Larsen, Robert G., Skalkin, Andrei, Wang, Ying, Midolo, Leonardo, Scholz, Sven, Wieck, Andreas D., Ludwig, Arne, Sørensen, Anders S., Tiranov, Alexey, Lodahl, Peter. Violation of Bell inequality by photon scattering on a two-level emitter.
Nature Physics. 2024, 5, 030312.
Rosiek, Christian A. and Rossi, Massimiliano and Schliesser, Albert and Sørensen, Anders S. Quadrature Squeezing Enhances Wigner Negativity in a Mechanical Duffing Oscillator.
PRX Quantum. 2024, 5, 030312.
Kah Jen Wo, Guus Avis, Filip Rozpędek, Maria Flors Mor-Ruiz, Gregor Pieplow, Tim Schröder, Liang Jiang,
Anders S. Sørensen, Johannes Borregaard. Resource-efficient fault-tolerant one-way quantum repeater
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Nature quantum information. 2023, 9, 123.
Matthias C. Löbl, Stefano Paesani, and Anders S. Sørensen. Loss-tolerant architecture for quantum computing with quantum emitters. Quantum. 2024, 8, 1302.
Zhang, Y.-X.; Mølmer, K. Free-Fermion Multiply Excited Eigenstates and Their Experimental Signatures in 1D Arrays of Two-Level Atoms. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2022, 128 (9), 093602.
Tiurev, K.; Sørensen, A. S. Fidelity Measurement of a Multiqubit Cluster State with Minimal Effort. Phys. Rev. Research 2022, 4 (3), 033162.
Tiurev, K.; Appel, M. H.; Mirambell, P. L.; Lauritzen, M. B.; Tiranov, A.; Lodahl, P.; Sørensen, A. S. High-Fidelity Multiphoton-Entangled Cluster State with Solid-State Quantum Emitters in Photonic Nanostructures. Phys. Rev. A 2022, 105 (3), L030601.
Schrinski, B.; Lamaison, M.; Sørensen, A. S. Passive Quantum Phase Gate for Photons Based on Three Level Emitters. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2022, 129 (13), 130502.
Østfeldt, F. T.; González-Ruiz, E. M.; Hauff, N.; Wang, Y.; Wieck, A. D.; Ludwig, A.; Schott, R.; Midolo, L.; Sørensen, A. S.; Uppu, R.; Lodahl, P. On-Demand Source of Dual-Rail Photon Pairs Based on Chiral Interaction in a Nanophotonic Waveguide. PRX Quantum 2022, 3 (2), 020363.
Jeannic, H. L.; Tiranov, A.; Carolan, J.; Ramos, T.; Wang, Y.; Appel, M. H.; Scholz, S.; Wieck, A. D.; Ludwig, A.; Rotenberg, N.; Midolo, L.; García-Ripoll, J. J.; Sørensen, A. S.; Lodahl, P. Dynamical Photon–Photon Interaction Mediated by a Quantum Emitter. Nat. Phys. 2022, 1–5.
González-Ruiz, E. M.; Das, S. K.; Lodahl, P.; Sørensen, A. S. Violation of Bell’s Inequality with Quantum-Dot Single-Photon Sources. Phys. Rev. A 2022, 106 (1), 012222.
Chan, M. L.; Aqua, Z.; Tiranov, A.; Dayan, B.; Lodahl, P.; Sørensen, A. S. Quantum State Transfer between a Frequency-Encoded Photonic Qubit and a Quantum-Dot Spin in a Nanophotonic Waveguide. Phys. Rev. A 2022, 105 (6), 062445.
Bjerlin, J.; Sørensen, A. S.; Haas, S. Probing Majorana Modes via Local Spin Dynamics. Phys. Rev. B 2022, 106 (3), 035414.
Appel, M. H.; Tiranov, A.; Pabst, S.; Chan, M. L.; Starup, C.; Wang, Y.; Midolo, L.; Tiurev, K.; Scholz, S.; Wieck, A. D.; Ludwig, A.; Sørensen, A. S.; Lodahl, P. Entangling a Hole Spin with a Time-Bin Photon: A Waveguide Approach for Quantum Dot Sources of Multiphoton Entanglement. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2022, 128 (23), 233602.
Zhang, Y.-X.; i Carceller, C. R.; Kjaergaard, M.; Sørensen, A. S. Charge-Noise Insensitive Chiral Photonic Interface for Waveguide Circuit QED. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2021, 127 (23), 233601.
Tiurev, K.; Mirambell, P. L.; Lauritzen, M. B.; Appel, M. H.; Tiranov, A.; Lodahl, P.; Sørensen, A. S. Fidelity of Time-Bin-Entangled Multiphoton States from a Quantum Emitter. Phys. Rev. A 2021, 104 (5), 052604.
Schmit, T.; Giannelli, L.; Sørensen, A. S.; Morigi, G. Retrieval of Single Photons from Solid-State Quantum Transducers. Phys. Rev. A 2021, 104 (6), 062607.
Zeuthen, E.; Schliesser, A.; Sørensen, A. S.; Taylor, J. M. Figures of Merit for Quantum Transducers. Quantum Science and Technology 2020, 5 (3), 034009.
Prasad, A. S.; Hinney, J.; Mahmoodian, S.; Hammerer, K.; Rind, S.; Schneeweiss, P.; Sørensen, A. S.; Volz, J.; Rauschenbeutel, A. Correlating Photons Using the Collective Nonlinear Response of Atoms Weakly Coupled to an Optical Mode. Nat. Photonics 2020, 14 (12), 719–722.
Mahmoodian, S.; Calajó, G.; Chang, D. E.; Hammerer, K.; Sørensen, A. S. Dynamics of Many-Body Photon Bound States in Chiral Waveguide QED. Phys. Rev. X 2020, 10 (3), 031011.
Borregaard, J.; Pichler, H.; Schröder, T.; Lukin, M. D.; Lodahl, P.; Sørensen, A. S. One-Way Quantum Repeater Based on near-Deterministic Photon-Emitter Interfaces. Phys. Rev. X 2020, 10 (2), 021071.
Elfving, V. E.; Das, S.; Sørensen, A. S. Enhancing Quantum Transduction via Long-Range Waveguide-Mediated Interactions between Quantum Emitters. Phys. Rev. A 2019, 100 (5), 053843.
Dreeßen, C. L.; Ouellet-Plamondon, C.; Tighineanu, P.; Zhou, X.; Midolo, L.; Sørensen, A. S.; Lodahl, P. Suppressing Phonon Decoherence of High Performance Single-Photon Sources in Nanophotonic Waveguides. Quantum Science and Technology 2019, 4 (1), 015003.
Borregaard, J.; Sørensen, A. S.; Lodahl, P. Quantum Networks with Deterministic Spin–Photon Interfaces. Advanced Quantum Technologies 2019, 0 (0), 1800091.
Zugenmaier, M.; Dideriksen, K. B.; Sørensen, A. S.; Albrecht, B.; Polzik, E. S. Long-Lived Non-Classical Correlations towards Quantum Communication at Room Temperature. Communications Physics 2018, 1 (1), 76.
Zeuthen, E.; Schliesser, A.; Taylor, J. M.; Sørensen, A. S. Electrooptomechanical Equivalent Circuits for Quantum Transduction. Phys. Rev. Applied 2018, 10 (4), 044036.
Tighineanu, P.; Dreeßen, C. L.; Flindt, C.; Lodahl, P.; Sørensen, A. S. Phonon Decoherence of Quantum Dots in Photonic Structures: Broadening of the Zero-Phonon Line and the Role of Dimensionality. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2018, 120 (25), 257401.
Mahmoodian, S.; Čepulkovskis, M.; Das, S.; Lodahl, P.; Hammerer, K.; Sørensen, A. S. Strongly Correlated Photon Transport in Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics with Weakly Coupled Emitters. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2018, 121 (14), 143601.
Kyriienko, O.; Sørensen, A. S. Floquet Quantum Simulation with Superconducting Qubits. Phys. Rev. Applied 2018, 9 (6), 064029.
Iakoupov, I.; Borregaard, J.; Sørensen, A. S. Controlled-Phase Gate for Photons Based on Stationary Light. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2018, 120 (1), 010502.
Dellantonio, L.; Sørensen, A. S.; Bacco, D. High-Dimensional Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution on Two-Dimensional Subspaces. Phys. Rev. A 2018, 98 (6), 062301.
Dellantonio, L.; Kyriienko, O.; Marquardt, F.; Sørensen, A. S. Quantum Nondemolition Measurement of Mechanical Motion Quanta. Nature Communicationsvolume 2018, 9 (1), 3621.
Das, S.; Elfving, V. E.; Reiter, F.; Sørensen, A. S. Photon Scattering from a System of Multilevel Quantum Emitters. II. Application to Emitters Coupled to a One-Dimensional Waveguide. Phys. Rev. A 2018, 97 (4), 043838.
Das, S.; Elfving, V. E.; Reiter, F.; Sørensen, A. S. Photon Scattering from a System of Multilevel Quantum Emitters. I. Formalism. Phys. Rev. A 2018, 97 (4), 043837.
Reiter, F.; Sørensen, A. S.; Zoller, P.; Muschik, C. A. Dissipative Quantum Error Correction and Application to Quantum Sensing with Trapped Ions. Nature Communications 2017, 8 (1), 1822.
Hu, J.; Vendeiro, Z.; Chen, W.; Zhang, H.; McConnell, R.; Sørensen, A. S.; Vuletić, V. Strictly Nonclassical Behavior of a Mesoscopic System. Phys. Rev. A 2017, 95 (3), 030105.
Dellantonio, L.; Das, S.; Appel, J.; Sørensen, A. S. Multipartite Entanglement Detection with Nonsymmetric Probing. Phys. Rev. A 2017, 95 (4), 040301.
Das, S.; Elfving, V. E.; Faez, S.; Sørensen, A. S. Interfacing Superconducting Qubits and Single Optical Photons Using Molecules in Waveguides. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2017, 118 (14), 140501.
Borregaard, J.; Sørensen, A. S.; Cirac, J. I.; Lukin, M. D. Efficient Quantum Computation in a Network with Probabilistic Gates and Logical Encoding. Phys. Rev. A 2017, 95 (4), 042312.
Borregaard, J.; Davis, E. J.; Bentsen, G. S.; Schleier-Smith, M. H.; Sørensen, A. S. One- and Two-Axis Squeezing of Atomic Ensembles in Optical Cavities. New Journal of Physics 2017, 19 (9), 093021.
Sørensen, H. L.; Béguin, J.-B.; Kluge, K. W.; Iakoupov, I.; Sørensen, A. S.; Müller, J. H.; Polzik, E. S.; Appel, J. Coherent Backscattering of Light off One-Dimensional Atomic Strings. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2016, 117 (13), 133604.
Reiter, F.; Reeb, D.; Sørensen, A. S. Scalable Dissipative Preparation of Many-Body Entanglement. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2016, 117 (4), 040501.
Mahmoodian, S.; Lodahl, P.; Sørensen, A. S. Quantum Networks with Chiral-Light-Matter Interaction in Waveguides. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2016, 117 (24), 240501.
Lin, Y.; Gaebler, J. P.; Reiter, F.; Tan, T. R.; Bowler, R.; Wan, Y.; Keith, A.; Knill, E.; Glancy, S.; Coakley, K.; Sørensen, A. S.; Leibfried, D.; Wineland, D. J. Preparation of Entangled States through Hilbert Space Engineering. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2016, 117 (14), 140502.
Kyriienko, O.; Sørensen, A. S. Continuous-Wave Single-Photon Transistor Based on a Superconducting Circuit. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2016, 117 (14), 140503.
Iakoupov, I.; Ott, J. R.; Chang, D. E.; Sørensen, A. S. Dispersion Relations for Stationary Light in One-Dimensional Atomic Ensembles. Phys. Rev. A 2016, 94 (5), 053824.
Das, S.; Grankin, A.; Iakoupov, I.; Brion, E.; Borregaard, J.; Boddeda, R.; Usmani, I.; Ourjoumtsev, A.; Grangier, P.; Sørensen, A. S. Photonic Controlled-Phase Gates through Rydberg Blockade in Optical Cavities. Phys. Rev. A 2016, 93 (4), 040303.
Borregaard, J.; Zugenmaier, M.; Petersen, J. M.; Shen, H.; Vasilakis, G.; Jensen, K.; Polzik, E. S.; Sørensen, A. S. Scalable Photonic Network Architecture Based on Motional Averaging in Room Temperature Gas. Nat Commun 2016, 7 (1), 11356.
V., R. K.; Dey, T. N.; Das, S.; Jha, P. K. Microwave-Controlled Efficient Raman Sub-Harmonic Generation. Opt. Lett. 2015, 40 (10), 2229–2232.
Tighineanu, P.; Sørensen, A. S.; Stobbe, S.; Lodahl, P. Unraveling the Mesoscopic Character of Quantum Dots in Nanophotonics. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2015, 114 (24), 247401.
Pedersen, K. G. L.; Andersen, B. M.; Bruun, G. M.; Sørensen, A. S. Using Superlattice Potentials to Probe Long-Range Magnetic Correlations in Optical Lattices. Phys. Rev. A 2015, 92 (6), 063633.
Fresta, L.; Borregaard, J.; Sørensen, A. S. Elementary Test for Nonclassicality Based on Measurements of Position and Momentum. Phys. Rev. A 2015, 92 (6), 062111.
Borregaard, J.; Kómár, P.; Kessler, E. M.; Lukin, M. D.; Sørensen, A. S. Long-Distance Entanglement Distribution Using Individual Atoms in Optical Cavities. Phys. Rev. A 2015, 92 (1), 012307.
Borregaard, J.; Kómár, P.; Kessler, E. M.; Sørensen, A. S.; Lukin, M. D. Heralded Quantum Gates with Integrated Error Detection in Optical Cavities. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2015, 114, 110502.
Tighineanu, P.; Andersen, M. L.; Sørensen, A. S.; Stobbe, S.; Lodahl, P. Probing Electric and Magnetic Vacuum Fluctuations with Quantum Dots. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2014, 113 (4), 043601.
Schmid, S.; Bagci, T.; Zeuthen, E.; Taylor, J. M.; Herring, P. K.; Cassidy, M. C.; Marcus, C. M.; Villanueva, L. G.; Amato, B.; Boisen, A.; Shin, Y. C.; Kong, J.; Sørensen, A. S.; Usami, K.; Polzik, E. S. Single-Layer Graphene on Silicon Nitride Micromembrane Resonators. Journal of Applied Physics 2014, 115 (5).
Manzoni, M. T.; Reiter, F.; Taylor, J. M.; Sørensen, A. S. Single-Photon Transistor Based on Superconducting Systems. Phys. Rev. B 2014, 89 (18).
Komar, P.; Kessler, E. M.; Bishof, M.; Jiang, L.; Sørensen, A. S.; Ye, J.; Lukin, D. A Quantum Network of Clocks. Nature Physics 2014, 10 (8), 582–587.
Kessler, E. M.; Komar, P.; Bishof, M.; Jiang, L.; Sørensen, A. S.; Ye, J.; Lukin, M. D. Heisenberg-Limited Atom Clocks Based on Entangled Qubits. Phys. Rev. Let. 2014, 112 (19).
Bagci, T.; Simonsen, A.; Schmid, S.; Villanueva, L. G.; Zeuthen, E.; Appel, J.; Taylor, J. M.; Sørensen, A.; Usami, K.; Schliesser, A.; Polzik, E. S. Optical Detection of Radio Waves through a Nanomechanical Transducer. Nature 2014, 507 (7490), 81–85.
Reiter, F.; Tornberg, L.; Johansson, G.; Sørensen, A. S. Steady-State Entanglement of Two Superconducting Qubits Engineered by Dissipation. Phys. Rev. A 2013, 88 (3).
Lin, Y.; Gaebler, J. P.; Reiter, F.; Tan, T. R.; Bowler, R.; Sørensen, A. S.; Leibfried, D.; Wineland, D. J. Dissipative Production of a Maximally Entangled Steady State of Two Quantum Bits. Nature 2013, 504 (7480), 415+.
Iakoupov, I.; Sørensen, A. S. An Efficient Quantum Memory Based on Two-Level Atoms. New Journal of Physics 2013, 15.
Huck, A.; Witthaut, D.; Kumar, S.; Sørensen, A. S.; Andersen, U. L. Large Optical Nonlinearity of Surface Plasmon Modes on Thin Gold Films. Plasmonics 2013, 8 (4), 1597–1605.
Borregaard, J.; Sørensen, A. S. Near-Heisenberg-Limited Atomic Clocks in the Presence of Decoherence. Phys. Rev. Let. 2013, 111 (9).
Borregaard, J.; Sørensen, A. S. Efficient Atomic Clocks Operated with Several Atomic Ensembles. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2013, 111 (9), 090802.
Witthaut, D.; Lukin, M. D.; Sørensen, A. S. Photon Sorters and QND Detectors Using Single Photon Emitters. Europhysics Letters 2012, 97 (5).
Vasilyev, D. V.; Hammerer, K.; Korolev, N.; Sørensen, A. S. Quantum Noise for Faraday Light-Matter Interfaces. Journal of Physics B — Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics 2012, 45 (12, SI).
Reiter, F.; Sørensen, A. S. Effective Operator Formalism for Open Quantum Systems. Phys. Rev. A 2012, 85 (3).
Reiter, F.; Kastoryano, M. J.; Sørensen, A. S. Driving Two Atoms in an Optical Cavity into an Entangled Steady State Using Engineered Decay. New Journal of Physics 2012, 14.
Reiter, D. E.; Lueker, S.; Gawarecki, K.; Grodecka-Grad, A.; Machnikowski, P.; Axt, V. M.; Kuhn, T. Phonon Effects on Population Inversion in Quantum Dots: Resonant, Detuned and Frequency-Swept Excitations. Acta Physica Polonica A 2012, 122 (6), 1065–1068.
Pekker, D.; Wunsch, B.; Kitagawa, T.; Manousakis, E.; Sørensen, A. S.; Demler, E. Signatures of the Superfluid to Mott Insulator Transition in Equilibrium and in Dynamical Ramps. Phys. Rev. B 2012, 86 (14).
Pedersen, K. G. L.; Andersen, B. M.; Syljuåsen, O. F.; Bruun, G. M.; Sørensen, A. S. Inducing Spin-Dependent Tunneling to Probe Magnetic Correlations in Optical Lattices. Phys. Rev. A 2012, 85 (5).
Lueker, S.; Gawarecki, K.; Reiter, D. E.; Grodecka-Grad, A.; Axt, V. M.; Machnikowski, P.; Kuhn, T. Influence of Acoustic Phonons on the Optical Control of Quantum Dots Driven by Adiabatic Rapid Passage. Phys. Rev. B 2012, 85 (12).
Kot, E.; Grønbech-Jensen, N.; Nielsen, B. M.; Neergaard-Nielsen, J. S.; Polzik, E. S.; Sørensen, A. S. Breakdown of the Classical Description of a Local System. Phys. Rev. Let. 2012, 108 (23).
Grodecka-Grad, A.; Zeuthen, E.; Sørensen, A. S. High-Capacity Spatial Multimode Quantum Memories Based on Atomic Ensembles. Phys. Rev. Let. 2012, 109 (13).
Gawarecki, K.; Lueker, S.; Reiter, D. E.; Kuhn, T.; Glaessl, M.; Axt, V. M.; Grodecka-Grad, A.; Machnikowski, P. Dephasing in the Adiabatic Rapid Passage in Quantum Dots: Role of Phonon-Assisted Biexciton Generation. Phys. Rev. B 2012, 86 (23).
Cappellaro, P.; Goldstein, G.; Hodges, J. S.; Jiang, L.; Maze, J. R.; Sørensen, A. S.; Lukin, M. D. Environment-Assisted Metrology with Spin Qubits. Phys. Rev. A 2012, 85 (3).
Borregaard, J.; Brask, J. B.; Sørensen, A. S. Hybrid Quantum Repeater Protocol with Fast Local Processing. Phys. Rev. A 2012, 86 (1).
Zeuthen, E.; Grodecka-Grad, A.; Sørensen, A. S. Three-Dimensional Theory of Quantum Memories Based on Lambda-Type Atomic Ensembles. Phys. Rev. A 2011, 84 (4).
Taylor, J. M.; Sørensen, A. S.; Marcus, C. M.; Polzik, E. S. Laser Cooling and Optical Detection of Excitations in a LC Electrical Circuit. Phys. Rev. Let. 2011, 107 (27).
Stannigel, K.; Rabl, P.; Sørensen, A. S.; Lukin, M. D.; Zoller, P. Optomechanical Transducers for Quantum-Information Processing. Phys. Rev. A 2011, 84 (4).
Pedersen, K. G. L.; Andersen, B. M.; Bruun, G. M.; Syljuåsen, O. F.; Sørensen, A. S. Measuring Spin Correlations in Optical Lattices Using Superlattice Potentials. Phys. Rev. A 2011, 84 (4).
Kastoryano, M. J.; Reiter, F.; Sørensen, A. S. Dissipative Preparation of Entanglement in Optical Cavities. Phys. Rev. Let. 2011, 106 (9).
Goldstein, G.; Cappellaro, P.; Maze, J. R.; Hodges, J. S.; Jiang, L.; Sørensen, A. S.; Lukin, M. D. Environment-Assisted Precision Measurement. Phys. Rev. Let. 2011, 106 (14).
Andersen, M. L.; Stobbe, S.; Sørensen, A. S.; Lodahl, P. Strongly Modified Plasmon-Matter Interaction with Mesoscopic Quantum Emitters. Nature Physics 2011, 7 (3), 215–218.
Witthaut, D.; Sørensen, A. S. Photon Scattering by a Three-Level Emitter in a One-Dimensional Waveguide. New Journal of Physics 2010, 12.
Togan, E.; Chu, Y.; Trifonov, A. S.; Jiang, L.; Maze, J.; Childress, L.; Dutt, M. V. G.; Sørensen, A. S.; Hemmer, P. R.; Zibrov, A. S.; Lukin, M. D. Quantum Entanglement between an Optical Photon and a Solid-State Spin Qubit. Nature 2010, 466 (7307), 730-U4.
Stannigel, K.; Rabl, P.; Sørensen, A. S.; Zoller, P.; Lukin, M. D. Optomechanical Transducers for Long-Distance Quantum Communication. Phys. Rev. Let. 2010, 105 (22).
Sørensen, A. S.; Altman, E.; Gullans, M.; Porto, J. V.; Lukin, M. D.; Demler, E. Adiabatic Preparation of Many-Body States in Optical Lattices. Phys. Rev. A 2010, 81 (6).
Marcos, D.; Wubs, M.; Taylor, J. M.; Aguado, R.; Lukin, M. D.; Sørensen, A. S. Coupling Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond to Superconducting Flux Qubits. Phys. Rev. Let. 2010, 105 (21).
Jiang, L.; Taylor, J. M.; Sørensen, A. S.; Lukin, M. D. Scalable Quantum Networks Based on Few-Qubit Registers. Int. J. of Quantum Information 2010, 8 (1–2), 93–104.
Hammerer, K.; Sørensen, A. S.; Polzik, E. S. Quantum Interface between Light and Atomic Ensembles. Rev. Mod. Phys. 2010, 82 (2), 1041–1093.
Gawarecki, K.; Pochwala, M.; Grodecka-Grad, A.; Machnikowski, P. Phonon-Assisted Relaxation and Tunneling in Self-Assembled Quantum Dot Molecules. Phys. Rev. B 2010, 81 (24).
Dzsotjan, D.; Sørensen, A. S.; Fleischhauer, M. Quantum Emitters Coupled to Surface Plasmons of a Nanowire: A Green’s Function Approach. Phys. Rev. B 2010, 82 (7).
Brask, J. B.; Rigas, I.; Polzik, E. S.; Andersen, U. L.; Sørensen, A. S. Hybrid Long-Distance Entanglement Distribution Protocol. Phys. Rev. Let. 2010, 105 (16).
Brask, J. B.; Jiang, L.; Gorshkov, A. V.; Vuletic, V.; Sørensen, A. S.; Lukin, M. D. Fast Entanglement Distribution with Atomic Ensembles and Fluorescent Detection. Phys. Rev. A 2010, 81 (2).
Tualle-Brouri, R.; Ourjoumtsev, A.; Dantan, A.; Grangier, P.; Wubs, M.; Sørensen, A. S. Multimode Model for Projective Photon-Counting Measurements. Phys. Rev. A 2009, 80 (1).
Trimborn, F.; Witthaut, D.; Korsch, H. J. Beyond Mean-Field Dynamics of Small Bose-Hubbard Systems Based on the Number-Conserving Phase-Space Approach. Phys. Rev. A 2009, 79 (1).
Sørensen, M. W.; Sørensen, A. S. Three-Dimensional Theory of Stimulated Raman Scattering. Phys. Rev. A 2009, 80 (3).
Huck, A.; Smolka, S.; Lodahl, P.; Sørensen, A. S.; Boltasseva, A.; Janousek, J.; Andersen, U. L. Demonstration of Quadrature-Squeezed Surface Plasmons in a Gold Waveguide. Phys. Rev. Let. 2009, 102 (24).
Doll, R.; Haenggi, P.; Kohler, S.; Wubs, M. Fast Initial Qubit Dephasing and the Influence of Substrate Dimensions on Error Correction Rates. European physical journal B 2009, 68 (4), 523–527.
Bruun, G. M.; Syljuåsen, O. F.; Pedersen, K. G. L.; Andersen, B. M.; Demler, E.; Sørensen, A. S. Antiferromagnetic Noise Correlations in Optical Lattices. Phys. Rev. A 2009, 80 (3).
Bruun, G. M.; Andersen, B. M.; Demler, E.; Sørensen, A. S. Probing Spatial Spin Correlations of Ultracold Gases by Quantum Noise Spectroscopy. Phys. Rev. Let. 2009, 102 (3).
Witthaut, D.; Trimborn, F.; Wimberger, S. Dissipation Induced Coherence of a Two-Mode Bose-Einstein Condensate. Phys. Rev. Let. 2008, 101 (20).
Trimborn, F.; Witthaut, D.; Wimberger, S. Mean-Field Dynamics of a Two-Mode Bose-Einstein Condensate Subject to Noise and Dissipation. J. Phys. B - Atomic molecular and optical physicseu 2008, 41 (17).
Sørensen, M. W.; Sørensen, A. S. Three-Dimensional Theory for Light-Matter Interaction. Phys. Rev. A 2008, 77 (1).
Hafezi, M.; Sørensen, A. S.; Lukin, M. D.; Demler, E. Characterization of Topological States on a Lattice with Chern Number. Europhysics Letters 2008, 81 (1).
Gorshkov, A. V.; Calarco, T.; Lukin, M. D.; Sørensen, A. S. Photon Storage in Lambda-Type Optically Dense Atomic Media. IV. Optimal Control Using Gradient Ascent. Phys. Rev. A 2008, 77 (4).
Fernholz, T.; Krauter, H.; Jensen, K.; Sherson, J. F.; Sørensen, A. S.; Polzik, E. S. Spin Squeezing of Atomic Ensembles via Nuclear-Electronic Spin Entanglement. Phys. Rev. Let. 2008, 101 (7).
Doll, R.; Wubs, M.; Kohler, S.; Haenggi, P. Fidelity and Entanglement of a Spatially Extended Linear Three-Qubit Register. Int. J. Quantum Inf. 2008, 6 (1), 681–687.
Brask, J. B.; Sørensen, A. S. Memory Imperfections in Atomic-Ensemble-Based Quantum Repeaters. Phys. Rev. A 2008, 78 (1).
Novikova, I.; Gorshkov, A. V.; Phillips, D. F.; Sørensen, A. S.; Lukin, M. D.; Walsworth, R. L. Optimal Control of Light Pulse Storage and Retrieval. Phys. Rev. Let. 2007, 98 (24).
Jiang, L.; Taylor, J. M.; Sørensen, A. S.; Lukin, M. D. Distributed Quantum Computation Based on Small Quantum Registers. Phys. Rev. A 2007, 76 (6).
Hafezi, M.; Sørensen, A. S.; Demler, E.; Lukin, M. D. Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in Optical Lattices. Phys. Rev. A 2007, 76 (2).
Gorshkov, A. V.; Andre, A.; Lukin, M. D.; Sørensen, A. S. Photon Storage in Lambda-Type Optically Dense Atomic Media. III. Effects of Inhomogeneous Broadening. Phys. Rev. A 2007, 76 (3).
Gorshkov, A. V.; Andre, A.; Lukin, M. D.; Sørensen, A. S. Photon Storage in Lambda-Type Optically Dense Atomic Media. II. Free-Space Model. Phys. Rev. A 2007, 76 (3).
Gorshkov, A. V.; Andre, A.; Lukin, M. D.; Sørensen, A. S. Photon Storage in Lambda-Type Optically Dense Atomic Media. I. Cavity Model. Phys. Rev. A 2007, 76 (3).
Gorshkov, A. V.; André, A.; Fleischhauer, M.; Sørensen, A. S.; Lukin, M. D. Universal Approach to Optimal Photon Storage in Atomic Media. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2007, 98 (12), 123601.
Flindt, C.; Sørensen, A. S.; Lukin, M. D.; Taylor, J. M. Spin-Photon Entangling Diode. Phys. Rev. Let. 2007, 98 (24).
Chang, D. E.; Sørensen, A. S.; Hemmer, P. R.; Lukin, M. D. Strong Coupling of Single Emitters to Surface Plasmons. Phys. Rev. B 2007, 76 (3).
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