A grid of MSG self-consistent 1D atmospheric models for Cool Stars, Brown Dwarfs, and Exoplanets.

A thorough description of the grid of models was published in:

Astronomy&Astrophysics 690, A127 (2024), ‘A grid of self-consistent MSG (MARCS-StaticWeather-GGchem) cool stellar, sub-stellar, and exoplanetary model atmospheres’ by Uffe G. Jørgensen, Flavia Amadio, Beatriz Campos Estrada, Kristian Holten Møller, Aaron D. Schneider, Thorsten Balduin, Azzurra D’Alessandro, Eftychia Symeonidou, Christiane Helling, Åke Nordlund, and Peter Woitke.

The models themselves will be available here once a meaningful number of models have been made ready for upload. They will include models spanning a range of effective temperatures from 300 K to 3000 K, with solar metallicity as a well as many other chemical compositions relevant for sub-stellar and exoplanetary atmospheres.   

We are working on getting them ready as soon as possible.