2021.12.14 Carlsberg foundation awards record grants for Danish basic research Marianne Vestergaard, professor and vice-head of DARK, receives a Carlsberg grant to support her…
The Carlsberg foundation: 2021.12.14 Professor Jens Hjorth joins the board of directors of the Carlsberg foundation At a members’ meeting on 28 October 2021, the members of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and…
2021.05.17 Into the DARKness - Twenty-four questions for the professor Into the DARKness - Twenty-four questions for the professor. A podcast episode from Weekendavisen…
2021.05.12 Bikuben Foundation's 2021 Vision Exhibition Award! DARK is a part of Copenhagen Contemporary´s project.
2021.05.04 DARK employee joined the Occupational Health & Safety Committee (OHS) Gitte Michelsen (HCØ) and Michelle Westergaard (NBB) have been elected for 'LAMU' - the local OHS…
2021.05.04 Marianne Vestergaard has been appointed professor Marianne Vestergaard has been appointed professor as of 1 January 2021 Marianne's research activit…
2021.04.07 Irene Tamborra has been appointed Professor Irene Tamborra has been appointed Professor as of 1. January 2021 Research activity Irene's…
2021.03.22 Simulation-based inference of dynamical galaxy cluster masses with 3D convolutional neural networks Researchers at DARK have developed a novel AI-based tool to infer the dynamical masses of galaxy…
The hubble constant: 2021.03.18 Towards easing the Hubble constant tension? A new Hubble constant determination obtained by an international team including researchers from…
2021.03.17 External gas accretion provides a fresh gas supply to the active S0 galaxy NGC 5077 New paper on arXiv by Sandra Raimundo
2021.02.24 Weighing the Galactic disk using phase-space spirals I: Tests on one-dimensional simulations New paper on arXiv by Axel Widmark; Chervin Laporte and Pablo F. de Salas.
2021.02.24 Cecilie Hede has been selected vice chair of the SCIENCE PhD Commitee Cecilie Hede has been selected vice chair of the SCIENCE PhD commitee representing PhD students fro…