Synergies of THESEUS with the large facilities of the 2030s and guest observer opportunities

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


  • P. Rosati
  • S. Basa
  • A. W. Blain
  • E. Bozzo
  • M. Branchesi
  • A. Ferrara
  • A. Gomboc
  • P. T. O'Brien
  • J. P. Osborne
  • A. Rossi
  • F. Schussler
  • M. Spurio
  • N. Stergioulas
  • G. Stratta
  • L. Amati
  • S. Casewell
  • R. Ciolfi
  • G. Ghirlanda
  • S. Grimm
  • D. Guetta
  • J. Harms
  • E. Le Floc'h
  • F. Longo
  • M. Maggiore
  • S. Mereghetti
  • G. Oganesyan
  • R. Salvaterra
  • N. R. Tanvir
  • S. Turriziani
  • S. D. Vergani
  • S. Balman
  • J. Caruana
  • M. H. Erkut
  • G. Guidorzi
  • F. Frontera
  • A. Martin-Carrillo
  • S. Paltani
  • D. Porquet
  • O. Sergijenko

The proposed THESEUS mission will vastly expand the capabilities to monitor the high-energy sky. It will specifically exploit large samples of gamma-ray bursts to probe the early universe back to the first generation of stars, and to advance multi-messenger astrophysics by detecting and localizing the counterparts of gravitational waves and cosmic neutrino sources. The combination and coordination of these activities with multi-wavelength, multi-messenger facilities expected to be operating in the 2030s will open new avenues of exploration in many areas of astrophysics, cosmology and fundamental physics, thus adding considerable strength to the overall scientific impact of THESEUS and these facilities. We discuss here a number of these powerful synergies and guest observer opportunities.

Original languageEnglish
JournalExperimental Astronomy
Pages (from-to)407-437
Number of pages31
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jul 2021

    Research areas

  • Multi-messenger astrophysics, Gamma-ray bursts, X-ray sources, Gravitation wave sources, Neutrino sources, REIONIZATION, AFTERGLOWS, GW170817

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ID: 276329311