The Cosmic Dawn Center

  1. Published

    Resolving Galactic-scale Obscuration of X-Ray AGNs at z ≳ 1 with COSMOS-Web

    Silverman, J. D., Mainieri, V., Ding, X., Liu, D., Jahnke, K., Hirschmann, M., Kartaltepe, J., Lambrides, E., Onoue, M., Trakhtenbrot, B., Vardoulaki, E., Bongiorno, A., Casey, C., Civano, F., Faisst, A., Franco, M., Gillman, S., Gozaliasl, G., Hayward, C. C., Koekemoer, A. M. & 8 others, Kokorev, V., Magdis, Georgios, Marchesi, S., Rich, R. M., Sparre, M., Suh, H., Tanaka, T. & Valentino, F., 12 Jul 2023, In: Astrophysical Journal Letters. 951, 2, 10 p., L41.

    Research output: Contribution to journalLetterResearchpeer-review

  2. Published

    Resolved Molecular Gas Observations of MaNGA Post-starbursts Reveal a Tumultuous Past

    Otter, J. A., Rowlands, K., Alatalo, K., Leung, H., Wild, V., Luo, Y., Petric, A. O., Sazonova, E., Stark, D. V., Heckman, T., Davis, T. A., Ellison, S., French, K. D., Baker, W., Bluck, A. F. L., Lanz, L., Lin, L., Liu, C., Cobá, C. L., Masters, K. L. & 7 others, Nair, P., Pan, H., Riffel, R. A., Scudder, J. M., Smercina, A., Van De Voort, F. & Weaver, J. R., 10 Dec 2022, In: Astrophysical Journal. 941, 1, 27 p., 93.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  3. Published

    Resolved CO(1–0) Emission and Gas Properties in Luminous Dusty Star-forming Galaxies at z = 2–4

    Stanley, F., Jones, B. M., Riechers, D. A., Yang, C., Berta, S., Cox, P., Bakx, T. J. L. C., Cooray, A., Dannerbauer, H., Dye, S., Hughes, D. H., Ivison, R. J., Jin, Shuowen, Lehnert, M., Neri, R., Omont, A., Van Der Werf, P. & Weiss, A., 2 Mar 2023, In: Astrophysical Journal. 945, 1, 19 p., 24.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    Reproducing submillimetre galaxy number counts with cosmological hydrodynamic simulations

    Lovell, C. C., Geach, J. E., Dave, R., Narayanan, D. & Li, Q., 4 Jan 2021, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 502, 1, p. 772-793 22 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  5. Published

    Remarkably high mass and velocity dispersion of molecular gas associated with a regular, absorption-selected type I quasar

    Noterdaeme, P., Balashev, S., Combes, F., Gupta, N., Srianand, R., Krogager, J., Laursen, Peter & Omont, A., 2 Jul 2021, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 651, 5 p., A17.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  6. Published

    Reionization in Technicolor

    Finlator, K., Keating, L., Oppenheimer, B. D., Dave, R. & Zackrisson, E., 1 Oct 2018, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 480, 2, p. 2628-2649 22 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  7. Published

    Reionization Era Bright Emission Line Survey: Selection and Characterization of Luminous Interstellar Medium Reservoirs in the z > 6.5 Universe

    Bouwens, R. J., Smit, R., Schouws, S., Stefanon, M., Bowler, R., Endsley, R., Gonzalez, V., Inami, H., Stark, D., Oesch, P., Hodge, J., Aravena, M., da Cunha, E., Dayal, P., de Looze, I., Ferrara, A., Fudamoto, Y., Graziani, L., Li, C., Nanayakkara, T. & 11 others, Pallottini, A., Schneider, R., Sommovigo, L., Topping, M., van der Werf, P., Algera, H., Barrufet, L., Hygate, A., Labbe, I., Riechers, D. & Witstok, J., 1 Jun 2022, In: Astrophysical Journal. 931, 2, 28 p., 160.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  8. Published

    Regular rotation and low turbulence in a diverse sample of z ∼ 4.5 galaxies observed with ALMA

    Roman-oliveira, F., Fraternali, F. & Rizzo, F., 16 Feb 2023, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 521, 1, p. 1045-1065 21 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  9. Published

    Recursive reconnection and magnetic skeletons

    Parnell, C. E., Haynes, A. L. & Galsgaard, K., 2008, In: Astrophysical Journal. 675, 2, p. 1656-1665

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  10. Published

    Recovering the Star Formation Histories of Recently Quenched Galaxies: The Impact of Model and Prior Choices

    Suess, K. A., Leja, J., Johnson, B. D., Bezanson, R., Greene, J. E., Kriek, M., Lower, S., Narayanan, D., Setton, D. J. & Spilker, J. S., 23 Aug 2022, In: Astrophysical Journal. 935, 2, 18 p., 146.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  11. Published

    Recovering the Physical Properties of Molecular Gas in Galaxies from CO SLED Modeling

    Kamenetzky, J., Privon, G. C. & Narayanan, D., 20 May 2018, In: Astrophysical Journal. 859, 1, 11 p., 9.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  12. Published

    Reconstructing the extended structure of multiple sources strongly lensed by the ultra-massive elliptical galaxy SDSS J0100+1818

    Bolamperti, A., Grillo, C., Canameras, R., Suyu, S. H. & Christensen, Lise Bech, 6 Mar 2023, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 671, 19 p., A60.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  13. Published

    Recent Star Formation in a Massive Slowly Quenched Lensed Quiescent Galaxy at z=1.88

    Akhshik, M., Whitaker, K. E., Leja, J., Mahler, G., Sharon, K., Brammer, Gabriel, Toft, Sune, Bezanson, R., Man, A., Nelson, E. J., Pacifici, C., Wellons, S. & Williams, C. C., 15 Jan 2021, In: Astrophysical Journal Letters. 907, 1, 7 p., 8.

    Research output: Contribution to journalLetterResearchpeer-review

  14. Published

    Realisation of a fully-deterministic microlensing observing strategy for inferring planet populations

    Dominik...[et al.], M., Jørgensen, Uffe Gråe, Rattenbury, N. J., Mathiasen, M., Hinse, T. C., Harpsøe, K. B. W. & Rasmussen, Per Kjærgaard, 1 Aug 2010, In: Astronomische Nachrichten. 331, 7, p. 671-691 20 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  15. Published

    Rapid kilonova evolution: Recombination and reverberation effects

    Sneppen, Albert Bjerregård, Watson, Darach Jafar, Gillanders, J. H. & Heintz, Kasper Elm, 7 Aug 2024, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 688, 9 p., A95.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  16. Published

    Rapid build-up of the stellar content in the protocluster core SPT2349−56 at z  =  4.3

    Hill, R., C. Chapman, S., Phadke, K. A., Aravena, M., Archipley, M., Ashby, M. L. N., Béthermin, M., Canning, R. E. A., González, A., Greve, T. R., Gururajan, G., Hayward, C. S., Hezaveh, Y., Jarugula, S., MacIntyre, D., Marrone, D. P., Miller, T., Reuter, C. A., Rotermund, K., Scott, D. & 4 others, Spilker, J. S., Vieira, J. D., Wang, G. & Weiß, A., 1 May 2022, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 512, 3, p. 4352-4377 28 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  17. Published

    Rapid Reionization by the Oligarchs: The Case for Massive, UV-bright, Star-forming Galaxies with High Escape Fractions

    Naidu, R. P., Tacchella, S., Mason, C. A., Bose, S., Oesch, P. A. & Conroy, C., 1 Apr 2020, In: Astrophysical Journal. 892, 2, 17 p., 109.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  18. Published

    Radio continuum size evolution of star-forming galaxies over 0.35 < z < 2.25

    Jimenez-Andrade, E. F., Magnelli, B., Karim, A., Zamorani, G., Bondi, M., Schinnerer, E., Sargent, M., Romano-Diaz, E., Novak, M., Lang, P., Bertoldi, F., Vardoulaki, E., Toft, S., Smolcic, V., Harrington, K., Leslie, S., Delhaize, J., Liu, D., Karoumpis, C., Kartaltepe, J. & 1 others, Koekemoer, A. M., 22 May 2019, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 625, 20 p., A114.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  19. Published

    Radiation spectral synthesis of relativistic filamentation

    Frederiksen, J. T., Haugbølle, Troels, Medvedev, M. V. & Nordlund, Åke, 2010, In: Astrophysical Journal Letters. 722, 1, p. L114-L119 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  20. Published

    Radiation signatures of sub-lamor scale magnetic fields

    Medvedev, M. V., Frederiksen, J. T., Haugbølle, Troels & Nordlund, Åke, 3 Aug 2011, In: Astrophysical Journal. 737, 2, p. 55-

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  21. Published

    Radiation from relativistic jets in turbulent magnetic fields

    Nishikawa, K., Medvedev, M., Zhang B. and Hardee, P., Niemiec, J., Nordlund, Åke, Frederiksen Jacob Trier and Mizuno, Y., Sol, H. & Fishman, G. J., 22 Oct 2009, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, vol.1133: Proceedings of The Sixth Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposium 2008, Huntsville, AL, October 20-23, 2008. American Institute of Physics, Vol. 1133. p. 235-237 (American Institute of Physics Conference Series).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearch

  22. Published

    Radiation from relativistic jets

    Nishikawa, K. ~., Mizuno, Y., Hardee, P., Sol, H., Medvedev, M., Zhang, B., Nordlund, Åke, Frederiksen, J. T., Fishman, G. J. & Preece, R., 2008, Blazar Variability across the Electromagnetic Spectrum.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearch

  23. Published

    RUBIES: Evolved Stellar Populations with Extended Formation Histories at z ∼ 7–8 in Candidate Massive Galaxies Identified with JWST/NIRSpec

    Wang , B., Leja, J., De Graaff, A., Brammer, Gabriel, Weibel, A., Van Dokkum, P., Baggen, J. F. W., Suess, K. A., Greene, J. E., Bezanson, R., Cleri, N. J., Hirschmann, M., Labbé, I., Matthee, J., Mcconachie, I., Naidu, R. P., Nelson, E., Oesch, P. A., Setton, D. J. & Williams, C. C., 26 Jun 2024, In: Astrophysics Journal Letters. 969, 1, 19 p., L13.

    Research output: Contribution to journalLetterResearchpeer-review

  24. Published


    Sinclair, B., Davis, T. M. & Haugbølle, Troels, 15 Jun 2010, In: Astrophysical Journal. 718, 2, p. 1445-1455 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  25. Published

    REQUIEM-2D Methodology: Spatially Resolved Stellar Populations of Massive Lensed Quiescent Galaxies from Hubble Space Telescope 2D Grism Spectroscopy

    Akhshik, M., Whitaker, K. E., Brammer, Gabriel, Mahler, G., Sharon, K., Leja, J., Bayliss, M. B., Bezanson, R., Gladders, M. D., Man, A., Nelson, E. J., Rigby, J. R., Rizzo, F., Toft, Sune, Wellons, S. & Williams, C. C., 15 Sep 2020, In: Astrophysical Journal. 900, 2, 22 p., 184.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  26. Published

    REQUIEM-2D: A Diversity of Formation Pathways in a Sample of Spatially Resolved Massive Quiescent Galaxies at z similar to 2

    Akhshik, M., Whitaker, K. E., Leja, J., Richard, J., Spilker, J. S., Song, M., Brammer, Gabriel, Bezanson, R., Ebeling, H., Gallazzi, A. R., Mahler, G., Mowla, L. A., Nelson, E. J., Pacifici, C., Sharon, K., Toft, Sune, Williams, C. C., Wright, L. & Zabl, J., 1 Feb 2023, In: Astrophysical Journal. 943, 2, 24 p., 179.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  27. Published

    RELICS: Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey - Discovering Brightly Lensed Distant Galaxies for JWST

    Coe, D., Bradley, L., Salmon, B., Avila, R. J., Ogaz, S., Bradac, M., Huang, K-H., Strait, V., Hoag, A., Sharon, K. ., Cerny, C., Paterno-Mahler, R., Johnson, T. L., Mahler, G., Zitrin, A., Sendra Server, I., Acebron, A., Cibirka, N., Rodney, S., Strolger, L. & 23 others, Riess, A., Dawson, W., Jones, C., Andrade-Santos, F., Lovisari, L., Czakon, N., Umetsu, K., Trenti, M., Vulcani, B., Carrasco, D., Livermore, R., Stark, D. ~., Mainali, R., Frye, B., Oesch, P., Lam, D., Toft, Sune, Ryan, R., Peterson, A., Past, M., Kikuchihara, S., Ouchi, M. & Oguri, M., 1 Jan 2018, In: American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts. 231, p. 454.10

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleResearchpeer-review

  28. Published

    RELICS: Strong Lensing Analysis of MACS J0417.5-1154 and Predictions for Observing the Magnified High-Redshift Universe with JWST

    Mahler, G., Sharon, K., Fox, C., Coe, D., Jauzac, M., Strait, V., Edge, A., Acebron, A., Andrade-Santos, F., Avila, R. J., Bradav c, M., Bradley, L. D., Carrasco, D., Cerny, C., Cibirka, N., Czakon, N. G., Dawson, W. A., Frye, B. L., Hoag, A. T., Huang, K-H. & 20 others, Johnson, T. ~., Jones, C., Kikuchihara, S., Lam, 1. ~., Livermore, R., Lovisari, L., Mainali, R., Ogaz, S., Ouchi, M., Paterno-Mahler, R., Roederer, I. ~., Ryan, R. ~., Salmon, B., Sendra-Server, I., Stark, D. ~., Toft, Sune, Trenti, M., Umetsu, K., Vulcani, B. & Zitrin, A., 1 Mar 2019, In: Astrophysical Journal. 873, 1, 15 p., 96.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  29. Published

    RELICS: Strong-lensing Analysis of the Massive Clusters MACS J0308.9+2645 and PLCK G171.9-40.7

    Acebron, A., Cibirka, N., Zitrin, A., Coe, D., Agulli, I., Sharon, K., Bradac, M., Frye, B., Livermore, R. C., Mahler, G., Salmon, B., Umetsu, K., Bradley, L., Andrade-Santos, F., Avila, R., Carrasco, D., Cerny, C., Czakon, N. G., Dawson, W. A., Hoag, A. T. & 20 others, Huang, K., Johnson, T. L., Jones, C., Kikuchihara, S., Lam, D., Lovisari, L., Mainali, R., Oesch, P. A., Ogaz, S., Ouchi, M., Past, M., Paterno-Mahler, R., Peterson, A., Ryan, R. E., Sendra-Server, I., Stark, D. P., Strait, V., Toft, Sune, Trenti, M. & Vulcani, B., 1 May 2018, In: Astrophysical Journal. 858, 1, 42.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  30. Published

    RELICS: Strong Lensing Analysis of the Galaxy Clusters Abell S295, Abell 697, MACS J0025.4-1222, and MACS J0159.8-0849

    Cibirka, N., Acebron, A., Zitrin, A., Coe, D., Agulli, I., Andrade-Santos, F., Bradac, M., Frye, B., Livermore, R. C., Mahler, G., Salmon, B., Sharon, K., Trenti, M., Umetsu, K., Avila, R., Bradley, L., Carrasco, D., Cerny, C., Czakon, N. G., Dawson, W. A. & 20 others, Hoag, A. T., Huang, K., Johnson, T. L., Jones, C., Kikuchihara, S., Lam, D., Lovisari, L., Mainali, R., Oesch, P. A., Ogaz, S., Ouchi, M., Past, M., Paterno-Mahler, R., Peterson, A., Ryan, R. E., Sendra-Server, I., Stark, D. P., Strait, V., Toft, Sune & Vulcani, B., 20 Aug 2018, In: Astrophysical Journal. 863, 2, 25 p., 145.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  31. Published

    RELICS: Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey

    Coe, D., Salmon, B., Bradac, M., Bradley, L. D., Sharon, K., Zitrin, A., Acebron, A., Cerny, C., Cibirka, N., Strait, V., Paterno-Mahler, R., Mahler, G., Avila, R. J., Ogaz, S., Huang, K-H., Pelliccia, D., Stark, D. P., Mainali, R., Oesch, P. A., Trenti, M. & 37 others, Carrasco, D., Dawson, W. A., Rodney, S. A., Strolger, L., Riess, A. G., Jones, C., Frye, B. L., Czakon, N. G., Umetsu, K., Vulcani, B., Graur, O., Jha, S. W., Graham, M. L., Molino, A., Nonino, M., Hjorth, Jens, Selsing, J., Christensen, Lise Bech, Kikuchihara, S., Ouchi, M., Oguri, M., Welch, B., Lemaux, B. C., Andrade-Santos, F., Hoag, A. T., Johnson, T. L., Peterson, A., Past, M., Fox, C., Agulli, I., Livermore, R., Ryan, R. E., Lam, D., Sendra-Server, I., Toft, Sune, Lovisari, L. & Su, Y., 10 Oct 2019, In: Astrophysical Journal. 884, 1, 85.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  32. Published

    RELICS: A Very Large (theta(E) similar to 40 '') Cluster Lens-RXC J0032.1+1808

    Acebron, A., Zitrin, A., Coe, D., Mahler, G., Sharon, K., Oguri, M., Bradac, M., Bradley, L. D., Frye, B., Forman, C. J., Strait, V., Su, Y., Umetsu, K., Andrade-Santos, F., Avila, R. J., Carrasco, D., Cerny, C., Czakon, N. G., Dawson, W. A., Fox, C. & 21 others, Hoag, A. T., Huang, K., Johnson, T. L., Kikuchihara, S., Lam, D., Lovisari, L., Mainali, R., Nonino, M., Oesch, P. A., Ogaz, S., Ouchi, M., Past, M., Paterno-Mahler, R., Peterson, A., Ryan, R. E., Salmon, B., Stark, D. P., Toft, Sune, Trenti, M., Vulcani, B. & Welch, B., 1 Jul 2020, In: Astrophysical Journal. 898, 1, 16 p., 6.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  33. Published

    RELICS: small lensed z ≥ 5.5 galaxies selected as potential Lyman continuum leakers

    Neufeld, C., Strait, Victoria Bellinger, Bradač, M., Lemaux, B. C., Coe, D., Yang, L., Treu, T., Zitrin, A., Nonino, M., Bradley, L. & Sharon, K., 10 Sep 2022, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 516, 2, p. 2162-2170

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  34. Published

    RELICS: Small-scale Star Formation in Lensed Galaxies at z=6-10

    Welch, B., Coe, D., Zitrin, A., Diego, J. M. M., Windhorst, R., Mandelker, N., Vanzella, E., Ravindranath, S., Zackrisson, E., Florian, M., Bradley, L., Sharon, K., Bradac, M., Rigby, J., Frye, B. & Fujimoto, S., 1 Jan 2023, In: Astrophysical Journal. 943, 1, 12 p., 2.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  35. Published

    RELICS: High-resolution Constraints on the Inner Mass Distribution of the z=0.83 Merging Cluster RXJ0152.7-1357 from Strong Lensing

    Acebron, A., Alon, M., Zitrin, A., Mahler, G., Coe, D., Sharon, K., Cibirka, N., Bradac, M., Trenti, M., Umetsu, K., Andrade-Santos, F., Avila, R. J., Bradley, L., Carrasco, D., Cerny, C., Czakon, N. G., Dawson, W. A., Frye, B., Hoag, A. T., Huang, K-H. & 20 others, Johnson, T. L., Jones, C., Kikuchihara, S., Lam, D., Livermore, R. C., Lovisari, L., Mainali, R., Oesch, P. A., Ogaz, S., Ouchi, M., Past, M., Paterno-Mahler, R., Peterson, A., Ryan, R. E., Salmon, B., Sendra-Server, I., Stark, D. P., Strait, V., Toft, Sune & Vulcani, B., 1 Apr 2019, In: Astrophysical Journal. 874, 2, 13 p., 132.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  36. Published

    RDCS J0848+4453: Stellar populations in a z=1.27 galaxy cluster

    Jorgensen, I., Bergmann, M., Schiavon, R., Toft, Sune, Zirm, A., Gruetzbauch, R. & Chiboucas, K., 1 Feb 2013, USA

    Research output: Other contributionResearch

  37. Published

    Quiescent galaxies in a virialized cluster at redshift 2: evidence for accelerated size growth

    Noordeh, E., Canning, R. E. A., Willis, J. P., Allen, S. W., Mantz, A., Stanford, S. A. & Brammer, Gabriel, Nov 2021, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 507, 4, p. 5272-5280 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  38. Published

    Quiescent Galaxies 1.5 Billion Years after the Big Bang and Their Progenitors

    Valentino, F., Tanaka, M., Davidzon, I., Toft, S., Gómez-Guijarro, C., Stockmann, M., Onodera, M., Brammer, G., Ceverino, D., Faisst, A. L., Gallazzi, A., Hayward, C. C., Ilbert, O., Kubo, M., Magdis, G. E., Selsing, J., Shimakawa, R., Sparre, M., Steinhardt, C., Yabe, K. & 1 others, Zabl, J., 1 Feb 2020, In: Astrophysical Journal. 889, 2, 19 p., 93.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  39. Published

    Quenching of star formation from a lack of inflowing gas to galaxies

    Whitaker, K. E., Williams, C. C., Mowla, L., Spilker, J. S., Toft, Sune, Narayanan, D., Pope, A., Magdis, Georgios, van Dokkum, P. G., Akhshik, M., Bezanson, R., Brammer, Gabriel, Leja, J., Man, A., Nelson, E. J., Richard, J., Pacifici, C., Sharon, K. & Valentino, F., 23 Sep 2021, In: Nature. 597, 7877, p. 485-488 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  40. Published

    Quenching and the UVJ Diagram in the SIMBA Cosmological Simulation

    Akins, H. B., Narayanan, D., Whitaker, K. E., Dave, R., Lower, S., Bezanson, R., Feldmann, R. & Kriek, M., 1 Apr 2022, In: Astrophysical Journal. 929, 1, 19 p., 94.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  41. Published

    Quasar lenses and pairs in the VST-ATLAS and Gaia

    Agnello, A., Schechter, P. L., Morgan, N. D., Treu, T., Grillo, C., Malesani, Daniele Bjørn, Anguita, T., Apostolovski, Y., Rusu, C. E., Motta, V., Rojas, K., Chehade, B. & Shanks, T., 1 Apr 2018, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 475, 2, p. 2086-2096 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  42. Published

    Quantifying the Effects of Known Unknowns on Inferred High-redshift Galaxy Properties: Burstiness, IMF, and Nebular Physics

    Wang 王, B. 冰., Leja, J., Atek, H., Labbé, I., Li 李, Y. 轶., Bezanson, R., Brammer, Gabriel, Cutler, S. E., Dayal, P., Furtak, L. J., Greene, J. E., Kokorev, V., Pan, R., Price, S. H., Suess, K. A., Weaver, J. R., Whitaker, K. E. & Williams, C. C., 29 Feb 2024, In: Astrophysical Journal. 963, 1, 15 p., 74.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  43. Published

    Properties of the interstellar medium in star-forming galaxies at redshifts 2

    Calabro, A., Pentericci, L., Talia, M., Cresci, G., Castellano, M., Belfiori, D., Mascia, S., Zamorani, G., Amorin, R., Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Ginolfi, M., Guaita, L., Hathi, N. P., Koekemoer, A., Llerena, M., Mannucci, F., Santini, P., Saxena, A. & Schaerer, D., 15 Nov 2022, In: Astronomy & Astrophysics. 667, 25 p., A117.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  44. Published

    Probing the faint end of the galaxy luminosity function at Z = 3 with Lyα emission

    Fynbo, Johan Peter Uldall, Møller, P. & Thomsen, B., 1 Jan 2001, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 374, 2, p. 443-453 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  45. Published

    Probing the circumstellar medium 2.8 Gyr after the big bang: detection of Bowen fluorescence in the Sunburst arc

    Vanzella, E., Meneghetti, M., Pastorello, A., Calura, F., Sani, E., Cupani, G., Caminha, G. B., Castellano, M., Rosati, P., D'Odorico, V., Cristiani, S., Grillo, C., Mercurio, A., Nonino, M., Brammer, Gabriel & Hartman, H., 15 Sep 2020, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 499, 1, p. L67-L71 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  46. Published

    Probing the Jet–Torus Interaction in the Radio Galaxy NGC 1052 by Sulfur-bearing Molecules

    Kameno, S., Sawada-satoh, S., Impellizzeri, C. M. V., Kohno, K., Martín, S., Espada, D., Nakai, N., Sugai, H., Terashima, Y., Lee, M. M. & Kawakatu, N., 21 Feb 2023, In: Astrophysical Journal. 944, 2, 10 p., 156.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  47. Published

    Probing Patchy Reionization with the Void Probability Function of Ly alpha Emitters

    Perez, L. A. A., Malhotra, S., Rhoads, J. E. E., Laursen, Peter & Wold, I. G. B., 1 Dec 2022, In: Astrophysical Journal. 940, 2, 10 p., 102.

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  48. Published

    Predictions of the L-[C ii]-SFR and [Cii] Luminosity Function at the Epoch of Reionization

    Daisy Leung, T. K., Olsen, K. P., Somerville, R. S., Dave, R., Greve, T. R., Hayward, C. C., Narayanan, D. & Popping, G., 1 Dec 2020, In: Astrophysical Journal. 905, 2, 16 p., 102.

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  49. Published

    Planet Hunters IX. KIC 8462852 - where's the flux?

    Boyajian, T. S., LaCourse, D. M., Rappaport, S. A., Fabrycky, D., Fischer, D. A., Gandolfi, D., Kennedy, G. M., Korhonen, H., Liu, M. C., Moor, A., Olah, K., Vida, K., Wyatt, M. C., Best, W. M. J., Brewer, J., Ciesla, F., Csák, B., Deeg, H. J., Dupuy, T. J., Handler, G. & 29 others, Heng, K., Howell, S. B., Ishikawa, S. T., Kovács, J., Kozakis, T., Kriskovics, L., Lehtinen, J., Lintott, C., Nespral, D., Nikbakhsh, S., Schawinski, K., Schmitt, J. R., Smith, A. M., Szabo, G., Szabo, R., Viuho, Joonas Kari Markku, Wang, J., Weiksnar, A., Bosch, M., Connors, J. L., Goodman, S., Green, G., Hoekstra, A. J., Jebson, T., Jek, K. J., Omohundro, M. R., Schwengeler, H. M., Szewczyk, A. & Lynn, S., 1 Apr 2016, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 457, 4, p. 3988-4004

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  50. Published

    Pilot-WINGS: An extended MUSE view of the structure of Abell 370

    Lagattuta, D. J., Richard, J., Bauer, F. E., Cerny, C., Claeyssens, A., Guaita, L., Jauzac, M., Jeanneau, A., Koekemoer, A. M., Mahler, G., Prieto Lyon, G., Acebron, A., Meneghetti, M., Niemiec, A., Zitrin, A., Bianconi, M., Connor, T., Cen, R., Edge, A., Faisst, A. L. & 5 others, Limousin, M., Massey, R., Sereno, M., Sharon, K. & Weaver, J. R., 3 Jun 2022, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 514, 1, p. 497-517 21 p.

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