Hierarchical deposition and scale-free networks: A visibility algorithm approach

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The growth of an interface formed by the hierarchical deposition of particles of unequal size is studied in the framework of a dynamical network generated by a horizontal visibility algorithm. For a deterministic model of the deposition process, the resulting network is scale free with dominant degree exponent γe=ln3/ln2 and transient exponent γo=1. An exact calculation of the network diameter and clustering coefficient reveals that the network is scale invariant and inherits the modular hierarchical nature of the deposition process. For the random process, the network remains scale free, where the degree exponent asymptotically converges to γ=3, independent of the system parameters. This result shows that the model is in the class of fractional Gaussian noise through the relation between the degree exponent and the series' Hurst exponent H. Finally, we show through the degree-dependent clustering coefficient C(k) that the modularity remains present in the system.

Original languageEnglish
Article number064305
JournalPhysical Review E
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The author is grateful for the spirited discussions with J. O. Indekeu and R. Tielemans, whose insights were very enlightening, and for the suggestions received from L. Lacasa. He also acknowledges the support of the G-Research grant.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 American Physical Society.

ID: 371847457