Arrays of high-aspect ratio nanostructures for biological applications

K.L. Martinez1

1 Department of Chemistry and NanoScience Center,University of Copenhagen, Denmark

The endeavour of exploiting arrays of vertical high-aspect-ratio nanostructures (NSs) for biological applications is experiencing a pronounced surge of activity. The interest is primarily rooted in their dimensions (diameter 100- 500 nm and height of several microns), which make them relevant for a very broad range of applications with biological samples due to their size compatibility with proteins and cells. Furthermore, their intrinsic optical properties are also relevant for enhanced detection of biological events.

The combination of theoretical and experimental studies on high-aspect ratio nanostructures provided a detailed understanding of their intrinsic optical properties as well as their interface with proteins and living cells. We will review a series of examples of new biological applications with perspectives in diagnostics and drug discovery.


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