Seminar by Dr. Mathias S. Heltberg

Oscillations allow multiple stable droplets
Mathias S. Heltberg, Assistant Professor, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Biological systems are governed by complex mechanisms, with oscillators being fundamental motifs that produce time-varying dynamics.
I will briefly present a our theory from 2022 for condensate formation through droplet condensation and explain how oscillations in p53, with its specific periodicity and amplitude, optimize the repair process by circumventing Ostwald ripening and distributing protein material in space and time.
From this, I will reveal new results that uncover how oscillations in a concentration directly can inhibit Ostwald Ripening, by distributing material to the smaller droplets from the bigger, which is enough to stabilize for specific frequencies. This reveals an out-of-equillibrium phenomenon that can stablize systems of multiple condensates and underline a new importance for oscillations in the interplay with phase separations.