Quantum Optics Seminar by Pepijn W. H. Pinkse

Quantum-Secure Authentication and Adaptive Quantum Optics

Modern society strongly relies on secret information for authentication. However, keeping infor­ma­tion secret and accessible is exceedingly difficult in modern society. We experiment­ally demon­strate Quan­tum-Secure Authentication (QSA) that does not require keeping secret infor­ma­tion but relies on an optical Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) as a key [1]. As illustrated in the figure, we il­lu­mi­nate the key using light containing fewer photons than spatial degrees of freedom. In the key the photons are multiple-scattered by millions of randomly orga­nized nanoparticles. The spatial shape of the re­tur­ned (“res­ponse”) photons depends strongly on the positions of the scatterers and on the in­cident (“challen­ge”) photons. Assuming its challenge-respon­se behavior is known, the key can be authen­ti­cated by illumi­nating it with a challenge and verifying whether the response is as expected. Because of the low photon number, an attacker cannot fully cha­rac­terize the challenge. Therefore, he cannot digitally construct the correct response even if the chal­lenge-response behavior of the key is publicly known. QSA is secure if the physical key is too complex to be copied with current technology, as is believed to be the case for e.g. white paint.

                        Fig 1. a, Quantum-Secure Authen­ti­ca­tion setup. A spatial light modulator (SLM1) transforms a weak laser beam into a “challenge” that contains more spatial degrees of freedom than photons. The optical multiple-scat­tering key converts the challenge into a “response”. SLM2 is programmed to convert the expected response into a plane wave. b, If the key is correct, the few-photon response will be focused onto the detector. c, If the key is wrong, the few-photon response will not be focused onto the detector. Image from [2].

QSA is an intriguing application of “Adaptive Quantum Optics”, the combination of quantum optics and adaptive optical methods counteracting or even exploiting disorder. In a recent work [2] we demonstrate that with wavefront modulators, multiple-scattering materials can be turned into programmable linear optical net­works. In such a network, resembling an asymmetric lossy beamsplitter [3], we demonstrate programmable two-photon quantum interference.

[1] Quantum-secure authentication of a physical unclonable key, S. A. Goorden, M. Horstmann, A. P. Mosk, B. Škorić, and P. W. H. Pinkse, Optica 1, 421-424 (2014)

[2] Programmable two-photon quantum interference in 103 channels in opaque scattering media, T. A. W. Wolterink, R. Uppu, G. Ctistis, W. L. Vos, K. J. Boller, and P. W. H. Pinkse, Phys. Rev. A 93, 053817: 1-6 (2016)

[3] Quantum optics of lossy asymmetric beam splitters, R. Uppu, T. A. W. Wolterink, T. B. H. Tentrup, and P. W. H. Pinkse, Opt. Expr. (In Press and ArXiv.org/1605.00793)