Calendar 2016

20 Mar. 2013, 15:15

Inaugural lecture by Pascale Deen

Inaugural lecture by Pascale DeenI shall give an overview of some of the unusual magnetic phenomena that I have had the pleasure to work. These scientific endeavours will be linked to the perspectives for neutron instrumentation at the ESS and collaborative x-ray scattering instrumentation needs.
20 Mar. 2013, 15:15

Inaugural lecture by Arno Hiess

Inaugural lecture by Arno HiessDuring my lecture I will first present results from neutron diffraction experiments used to investigate static microscopic properties. They reveal details of the moment arrangement but also the spin and orbital contributions of the (paramagnetic) magnetic moment.
20 Mar. 2013, 15:15

Inaugural lecture by Heloisa N. Bordallo

Inaugural lecture by Heloisa N. BordalloIn this lecture I will show that Inelastic Neutron Scattering and DFT calculations are powerful instruments for probing matter. Together, they make it possible to follow and understand many problems related to hydrogen bond interactions between molecules in physics...
11 June 2014, 15:15

Inaugural lecture by Klaus Mosegaard

Inaugural lecture by Klaus MosegaardStatistics in geophysical modeling: A good servant or a bad master? Ernest Rutherford, the British chemist who laid the groundwork for the development of nuclear physics, once said: "If your experiment needs statistics, you ought to have done a better experiment"....