Quantum Optics Seminar by Yoon-Seok Lee/CANCELLED

Correlated photon pair generation from a Doppler-broadened Ladder-type atomic ensemble

With the present development of quantum communication and computing technologies, the photon-pair source has been regarded as a key element for realization of quantum network. This presentation is concerned with the experimental demonstration of the correlated photon-pair sources based on coherent atom-photon interaction in a Doppler-broadened ladder-type atomic system. The coherent spectroscopy and stimulated four-wave mixing show that the third-order nonlinearity is enhanced by two-photon coherence in the atomic ensemble. With the enhanced nonlinearity the correlated photon pairs are generated in a phase-matched direction via spontaneous four-wave mixing process. The temporal statistical properties of the generated photon-pairs are characterized by Hanbury Brown-Twiss experiment. In addition, the superradiant emission of a heralded single-photon and the recent observation of a single-photon superradiant beating will be discussed.