Forskning i Biokompleksitet på Niels Bohr Institutet ved Københavns Universitet Forskning i Biokompleksitet på Niels Bohr Institutet ved Københavns Universitet Forskning i Biokompleksitet på Niels Bohr Institutet ved Københavns Universitet Forskning i Biokompleksitet på Niels Bohr Institutet ved Københavns Universitet Forskning i Biokompleksitet på Niels Bohr Institutet ved Københavns Universitet Forskning i Biokompleksitet på Niels Bohr Institutet ved Københavns Universitet

Biocomplexity and Biophysics

Biocomplexity is a cutting-edge area of ​​research between physics and biology. By using the principles and methods of physics one can explore the living nature and biological phenomena.

"More is different" by P. W. Anderson emphasizes emergent phenomena on a wide range of scales in nature.

In BioComplexity, we continuously explore the diversity of complex phenomena in biological, physical and social systems, including pattern formation, complex and chaotic dynamics, fluid dynamics, game theory, networks and econophysics. 

We build on our strength of using physics approaches to suggest and perform experiments and models of living systems. The systems range from proteins and gene regulation to larger-scale collective spatiotemporal structure formation. The research is often a collaboration between physicists, biologists, medical doctors, and nanoscientists.






































































































Biological Network and Complex systems (Center for Models of Life (CMOL)): We use methods from physics to develop understanding of living systems. We model regulation of living systems aiming to understand the strategies of gene regulation and dynamics of self organization, with a focus on simple conceptual and quantitative models. Our research tackles diversity of biological systems from epigenetics to emergence of complex communities. 

Read more about CMOL >>

Universal Biology group: The Universal biology group at the Niels Bohr Institute aims to unveil universal characteristics in life systems and universal laws in adaptation, development, and evolution, with the spirit of physics (in particular, statistical physics and dynamical systems), by noting consistency between hierarchical levels – molecules, cells, organisms, and ecosystem

Read more about Universal Biology Group >>

Experimental Biophysics:

Bendix Lab: We investigate the physical properties of living cells by a number of advanced optical techniques and methods from eg. nanoscience. Living cells are extremely dynamic, and for a physicist, the complex cell can be characterized as a living material. We examine the cells by combining optical microscopy with optical manipulation.

Read more about Experimental Biophysics >>

Jauffred Lab: We pursue mechanical models of cell colonies’ morphologies. We use advanced imaging to understand how patterning, spreading, and genetics is regulated by an interplay of inter-cellular forces, growth and cell motility.

Read more about Jauffred Lab >>

Membranes Lab: Using physical principles and methods, the group 'Biophysics - Membranes' explores biological phenomena and works to clarify how proteins and chemical substances pass through both biological and artificial membranes. The physical theory of an electrical circuit can, for example, describe how signal transports around the brain.

Read more about Membranes >>

Uni-Bio lab: from models to unifying concepts in Biology:
We use mathematical models and quantitative experiments to investigate how individual cells and cellular populations rapidly adapt to changes in the environment.  A few examples include Asymmetric Damage Segregation (bacteria), Early differentiation of the embryo, receptor adaptation; excitable dynamics in inflammation (islets).

Read more about Uni-Bio-Lab >>












































































































































































































Bente Markussen, Secretary 
Niels Bohr Institute, Biokomplexity and Biophysics
Blegdamsvej 17
2100 København Ø.

Office: Building K.
Phone: +45 353-35845
Mobil: +45 23839875

Namiko Mitarai, Head of section
Blegdamsvej 17
2100 København Ø
Phone: +45 35 32 54 02















Name Title Phone E-mail
Search in Name Search in Title Search in Phone
Abbasova, Nigar PhD Fellow +4535323591 E-mail
Agafonova, Alisa PhD Student E-mail
Alonso, Albert Research Assistant +4535325426 E-mail
Andersen, Simon Guldager PhD Fellow E-mail
Ardaseva, Aleksandra Assistant Professor E-mail
Bendix, Pól Martin Associate Professor +4535325251 E-mail
Bergamaschi, Laura PhD Fellow +4535322371 E-mail
Berx, Jonas Postdoc +4535329323 E-mail
Bonn, Lasse Frederik PhD Fellow +4535329685 E-mail
Bravo Vidal, Adrià PhD Fellow +4535332071 E-mail
Brown, Stanley Associate Professor Emeritus E-mail
Bölsterli, Robin Vincent PhD Fellow +4535336732 E-mail
Chattopadhyay, Jayeeta Guest Researcher +4535329443 E-mail
Cordero, Mireia Guest Researcher +4535322336 E-mail
Doostmohammadi, Amin Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4535331427 E-mail
Ehrmann, Anja Postdoc E-mail
Eilersen, Andreas Thomas Guest Researcher E-mail
Ellegaard, Clive Sigurd Associate Professor Emeritus +4520576305 E-mail
Farhangi Barooji, Younes Academic Staff +4535330067 E-mail
Geiger, Beatrice Jacqueline PhD Fellow +4535332757 E-mail
Grudtsyna, Valeriia PhD Fellow E-mail
Hamel Ascanio, Luis Eduardo PhD Student E-mail
Heimburg, Thomas Rainer Professor +4535325389 E-mail
Heltberg, Mathias Spliid Assistant Professor +4535327500 E-mail
Hertz, John Emeritus +4535325235 E-mail
Hvid, Ulrik PhD Fellow +4535329088 E-mail
Härter, Jan Olaf Mirko Guest Researcher E-mail
Ichii, Shunsuke Visiting Student E-mail
Jauffred, Liselotte Guest Researcher +4535324857 E-mail
Jensen, Mogens Høgh Professor +4535325371 E-mail
Kamp, Dana Taylor PhD Fellow +4535323544 E-mail
Kaneko, Kunihiko Professor +4535326343 E-mail
Khosh Sokhan Monfared, Siavash Postdoc +4535328989 E-mail
Kirkegaard, Julius Bier Assistant Professor +4540938516 E-mail
Kitazawa, Miho Guest Researcher E-mail
Klahn, Mathias Postdoc +4535332982 E-mail
Knudsen, Teresa Emmilie Toudal Postdoc +4535331216 E-mail
Kristensen, Lukas Wolf PhD Student +4535326649 E-mail
Kruse, Irene Livia Guest Researcher E-mail
Levinsen, Mogens Associate Professor Emeritus +4535325295 E-mail
Lindahl, Fanny Isabell PhD Fellow +4535337861 E-mail
Lucchetti, Alessandra Postdoc +4535337508 E-mail
Lund, Oskar Struer PhD Student +4535330269 E-mail
Ma, Tianxiang PhD Fellow +4535328035 E-mail
Marantos, Anastasios Guest Researcher +4535330159 E-mail
Markussen, Bente Academic Officer +4535335845 E-mail
Mesi, Elsa PhD Fellow +4535321768 E-mail
Mitarai, Namiko Associate Professor +4535325402 E-mail
Moreno Pescador, Guillermo Sergio External Researcher +4535332635 E-mail
Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Visiting PhD Student E-mail
Nguyen, Thu Trang Visiting Student E-mail
Nielsen, Bjarke Frost Guest Researcher E-mail
Nielsen, Malthe Skytte Nordentoft PhD Student E-mail
Nishide, Ryosuke Postdoc E-mail
Noronha, Riz Fernando PhD Fellow +4535328970 E-mail
Novev, Yavor Kirilov Guest Researcher +4535334916 E-mail
Pedersen, Martin Cramer Associate Professor +4535334852 E-mail
Pezeshkian, Weria Assistant Professor +4535324714 E-mail
Plugers, Davey Antonino PhD Fellow +4535331604 E-mail
Proesmans, Karel Josef A Assistant Professor +4535324107 E-mail
Ratnasinghe, Brian Damith PhD Fellow +4535337618 E-mail
Sargado, Juan Michael Uy Villanueva Postdoc +4535334017 E-mail
Sarlet, Adrien Postdoc +4535329297 E-mail
Schauser, Jakob Hallundbæk PhD Fellow +4535329993 E-mail
Schuhmann, Fabian Johannes Postdoc +4535323083 E-mail
Skjegstad, Lars Erik Johnsen PhD Fellow +4535329126 E-mail
Sneppen, Kim Professor +4535325352 E-mail
Stillits, Andreas PhD Student +4535329562 E-mail
Thomsen, Brage Haldor Research Assistant +4535335042 E-mail
Thusgaard Ruhoff, Victoria PhD Student +4520300765 E-mail
Trusina, Ala Associate Professor +4521288647 E-mail
Venkatesh, Varun PhD Fellow +4535329217 E-mail
Xu, Xiaochan Guest Researcher +4535326306 E-mail
Yadav, Anjali PhD Fellow +4535329456 E-mail
van den Berg, Nathánaël Research Assistant +4535331929 E-mail