Quantum membranes for ultraprecise mechanical measurements: 2016.12.21 The Sound of Quantum Vacuum Quantum mechanics dictates sensitivity limits in the measurements of displacement, velocity and…
Publication tendency: 2016.12.20 Scientific ‘facts’ could be false When is a scientific result true or false? Experiments always have a certain proportion of positive…
Astronomy: 2016.12.14 Newly formed stars shoot out powerful whirlwinds Researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute have used the ALMA telescopes to observe the early stages…
Astronomy: 2016.12.12 Spinning Supermassive Black Hole: New Suspect in the Death of Unlucky Star In the search for truth, questioning accepted assumptions is the duty of any scientist. This…
Appointment: 2016.12.08 Christine Hvidberg new Head of Studies Christine Schøtt Hvidberg, associate professor of geophysics in Ice and Climate at the Niels Bohr…
Astronomy: 2016.11.29 Mystery of ultra-diffuse faint galaxies solved Over the last year, researchers have observed some very faint, diffuse galaxies. The galaxies are a…
Quantum computer: 2016.11.28 University of Copenhagen partners with Microsoft to develop topological quantum computer Professor Charles Marcus will build the world's first topological quantum computer at the Niels Boh…
2016.11.23 Congratulations to Arianna Marchionne Congratulations to Arianna Marchionne who succesfully defended her PhD thesis at Centre for Ice and…
Grant: 2016.11.23 Large EU grant for astronomy project Astrophysicist Heidi Korhonen, associate professor in the Dark Cosmology Centre at the Niels Bohr…
Harald of the Year: 2016.11.15 Marianne Vestergaard receives the University of Copenhagen Teaching Award 2016 Marianne Vestergaard studies the physical processes of the quasars – their structure and evolution,…